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The importance of Japanese American role models in childhood community
(b. 1955) Lawyer
Recognizing issues of dual identity in the nisei generation
(b. 1955) Lawyer
Heightened awareness of identity as a Japanese American
(b. 1955) Lawyer
Growing up with some Japanese families (Spanish)
(b. 1950) Nisei Chilean, Businessman
The various realities of Nikkei in Latin America (Spanish)
(b. 1950) Nisei Chilean, Businessman
Relief fund to support Japanese communities (Japanese)
(1900–1996) The mother of Nikkei Brazilian immigration
Role of Assistancia Social dom Jose Gaspar (Japanese)
(1900–1996) The mother of Nikkei Brazilian immigration
Support from the Japanese American community
(b.1971) Professional figure skater and Olympic gold medalist.
Different races have to live together and interact
(1917 - 2004) Political activist
The multicultural perspective
(b.1960) Third-generation taiko drummer, leader of Maui Taiko
Japanese in Minot
(1928 - 2008) Drafted into both the Japanese Imperial Army and the U.S. Army.
Integrating As First-Generation Japanese-Peruvian (Japanese)
(b. 1962) Japanese restaurant owner and chef in Peru
The Nikkei community that didn't support Former President Fujimori's election (Japanese)
(b. 1948) Executive Director of Amano Museum
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