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Choice to move east or go to Japan
(b.1920) Japanese Canadian Nisei. Established the Ikenobo Ikebana Society of Toronto

Coming to America
(b.1943) Shin-issei grand master of taiko; founded San Francisco Taiko Dojo in 1968.

The reason for coming to Japan
(b. 1967) Hawai`i-born professional fighter in Japan

Reason to come back to Canada in 1954
(b. 1922) Canadian Nisei who was unable to return to Canada from Japan until 1952

Interest in Japanese migration studies (Japanese)
Tsuda College President, researcher of Nikkei history

History of her family's immigration (Spanish)
(b. 1969) Former president of Centro Nikkei Argentino.

Moving to and living in Japan
Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan

The reason to stay in Japan after his third year
Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan

Growing up with some Japanese families (Spanish)
(b. 1950) Nisei Chilean, Businessman

Avoiding the Japanese military
(1914-2004) Nisei Bonsai master in the United States

Decided to leave Japan to Argentina (Spanish)
(1925-2014) La Plata Hochi, Journalist

Tango makes him to stay in Argentina (Spanish)
(1925-2014) La Plata Hochi, Journalist

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