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Fitting in to both sides of her family
Jewish Japanese American journalist
Asian American Lawyers as Victims of “Overt Racial Discrimination”
(b. 1934) The First Japanese American Appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals.
“I could never get a job offer from a private law firm”
(b. 1934) The First Japanese American Appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals.
Nomo's impact on later Japanese players
Former Director of Asian Operations for Los Angeles Dodgers
Respecting the will of a five-year-old daughter (Japanese)
(1925-2024) War bride
The Kids and Japanese Language (Japanese)
(b. 1937) A war bride from Yokohama
Change of identity (Japanese)
(b. 1979) Sansei Nikkei Brazilian who lives in Oizumi-machi in Gunma prefecture. He runs his own design studio.
The term Nikkei (Japanese)
(b. 1979) Sansei Nikkei Brazilian who lives in Oizumi-machi in Gunma prefecture. He runs his own design studio.
On becoming a Japanese national (Japanese)
(b. 1979) Sansei Nikkei Brazilian who lives in Oizumi-machi in Gunma prefecture. He runs his own design studio.
My father forced me to speak Japanese at home
Professor of Law, University of Sao Paulo, Lawyer, Translator (b. 1948)
Foreign language education was severely restricted during the war
Professor of Law, University of Sao Paulo, Lawyer, Translator (b. 1948)
Japanese language education for children
Professor of Law, University of Sao Paulo, Lawyer, Translator (b. 1948)
Brazilians with a Japanese identity
Professor of Law, University of Sao Paulo, Lawyer, Translator (b. 1948)
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