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The various realities of Nikkei in Latin America (Spanish)
(b. 1950) Nisei Chilean, Businessman
Reasons for immigrating to Brazil (Japanese)
Issei, Pioneer of women's education in Brazil
Initial struggles with the language barrier (Japanese)
(b. 1917) Okinawan, Issei Argentinean
Decided to leave Japan to Argentina (Spanish)
(1925-2014) La Plata Hochi, Journalist
Tango makes him to stay in Argentina (Spanish)
(1925-2014) La Plata Hochi, Journalist
Decision to settle in Argentina after WWII (Spanish)
(b. 1929) Nisei Argentinean
Going to Brazil to escape debt (Japanese)
(1911-2010) Founder of JACTO group
Treatment of Japanese Paraguayans during World War II (Spanish)
Nisei Paraguayan, Researcher
Inclusiveness of the first Japanese colony in Paraguay (Spanish)
Nisei Paraguayan, Researcher
Nikkei contributions to Paraguayan agriculture (Spanish)
Nisei Paraguayan, Researcher
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