The Nikkei Integration into society (Spanish)
(Spanish) This fusion of the Japanese with Peruvians still hasn’t taken place because even today we still have the immigrant’s mentality, do we not? We’re their descendants, us, and we still feel this sense of logic of ‘survivors of the survivors’, right? That is why we have strong ideas of saving, to surpass adversities of solidarity, do we not? It’s good in a way, but bad in another. Or sometimes, it’s just what it is: not good not bad, just what it is. And I think that is the reason it hasn’t taken place yet, because in the end, what does an immigrant think? That he’s going to return. The funny thing is that we’re not going to return, are we? Because with the dekasegi phenomenon, the experience of the massive relocation of Peruvians working in Japan, we found ourselves with the truth: We’re not from Japan, we’re from Peru. And sometimes in Peru, people like us and sometimes they don’t, and we have to live with that. But I think that is basically because of this mentality that we still think we’re immigrants.
Date: February 26, 2008
Location: Lima, Peru
Interviewer: Harumi Nako
Contributed by: Asociación Peruano Japonesa (APJ)
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Identity crisis (Spanish)
(b. 1969) Former president of Centro Nikkei Argentino.
Why her parents came to Canada
(1918-2004) Interned in Slocan during World War II. Active member of the Japanese Canadian community.
Never sang Enka outside the family
(b. 1981) Enka Singer
Both Japanese and American identities though Japanese dance
(1918-2023) Nisei Japanese kabuki dancer
Family background of Fredrick Yoshihide Sasaki
(b. 1918) Issei businessman in Canada
The reason to stay in Japan after his third year
Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan
Results of being more American than Japanese
(1924-2018) Researcher, Activist
Trying to convey the meaning of the songs
(b. 1981) Enka Singer
Internship on a Native American reservation in Arizona
(b.1952) Master drummer, artistic director of the Taiko Center of the Pacific
Different tension between East Coast and Los Angeles
Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan
Differences between American and Japanese taiko
(b.1943) Shin-issei grand master of taiko; founded San Francisco Taiko Dojo in 1968.
Sudden acceptance in Japanese society
(b. 1967) Hawai`i-born professional fighter in Japan
Ring name: "Yamato Damashi"
(b. 1967) Hawai`i-born professional fighter in Japan
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