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Deciding whether to answer "yes-yes" on the loyalty questionnaire in order to leave camp
(b. 1925) Draft resister
Reflecting on Japanese Americans' response to incarceration
(b. 1925) Draft resister
Japanese American railroad workers are fired following the bombing of Pearl Harbor
(b. 1923) Chick sexer
A racist encounter at a movie theater following the bombing of Pearl Harbor
(b. 1923) Chick sexer
Encountering a train full of Japanese Americans being transported to a concentration camp
(b. 1923) Chick sexer
Joined Japanese Imperial Army during the WWII (Spanish)
(b. 1929) Nisei Argentinean
Donating clothes to the Japanese interns (Japanese)
(1900–1996) The mother of Nikkei Brazilian immigration
Relief fund to support Japanese communities (Japanese)
(1900–1996) The mother of Nikkei Brazilian immigration
Role of Assistancia Social dom Jose Gaspar (Japanese)
(1900–1996) The mother of Nikkei Brazilian immigration
Interrogation by police (Japanese)
(1900–1996) The mother of Nikkei Brazilian immigration
No immediate impact after Pearl Harbor
(b. 1928) Doctor. Former Chair of the Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation.
Treatment of Japanese fishermen in Canada during World War II
(b. 1928) Doctor. Former Chair of the Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation.
Government's permission to publish Japanese newspaper in Canada during World War II
(b. 1928) Doctor. Former Chair of the Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation.
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