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Being inducted into the army
(b. 1921) Nisei veteran who served in the occupation of Japan
Serving in Tokyo
(b. 1921) Nisei veteran who served in the occupation of Japan
Father’s Optimism
(b. 1934) Award-winning Disney animation artist who was incarcerated at Topaz during WWII
Tanforan Assembly Center
(b. 1934) Award-winning Disney animation artist who was incarcerated at Topaz during WWII
Father making shell brooches at Topaz
(b. 1934) Award-winning Disney animation artist who was incarcerated at Topaz during WWII
Grandfather picked up by US Army
(b. 1952) Former banking executive, born in Hawaii
Painting murals and signs in the army
(b. 1938) Japanese Peruvian incarcerated in Crystal City
Foreign language education was severely restricted during the war
Professor of Law, University of Sao Paulo, Lawyer, Translator (b. 1948)
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