BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060121T000000Z DTEND:20060121T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Communities Transformed: Families from Seattle Share Stories of the Internment\nSaturday\, January 21\, 2006 -- 2:00 PM\n<a href="http://">Japanese American National Museum</a>\n\nJoin us for a conv ersation with authors this Saturday afternoon - each presenting a differen t perspective on the experience of leaving the Pacific Northwest for Minid oka during World War II.\n\nVaried in style\, authors Mary Matsuda Gruenew ald\, David A. Neiwert\, and Toshiko Shoji Ito share poignant stories born from the diverse experiences of Japanese American individuals and communi ties from Seattle during World War II.\n\n<i>Looking Like the Enemy: My St ory of Imprisonment in Japanese American Internment Camps</i> by Mary Mats uda Gruenewald is an autobiographical account of Gruenewald and her family ’s incarceration at Minidoka\, Idaho. Gruenewald captures the emotional and psychological essence of what it was like to grow up in the midst of p rofound dislocation and injustice\, and of struggle for survival\, growing up in the midst of profound dislocation and injustice. \n\n<i>Strawberry Days: How Internment Destroyed a Japanese American Community</i> by David A. Neiwert tells a moving tale of the creation and destruction of Bellevue \, Washington\, a Japanese immigrant community renowned for its strawberry farms. Combining compelling storytelling\, interviews\, and newly uncover ed documents\, Neiwert weaves together the community’s history and the r acist schemes that prevented the immigrants from reclaiming their land aft er the war. \n\n<i>Endure</i> by Toshiko Shoji Ito is a story of courage and triumph based loosely on Ito’s experiences. The novel follows 17-yea r-old\, Tomi\, who was forced to leave a carefree life in Seattle for Mini doka. Tomi’s indomitable spirit prevails\, despite the burden of shame t hat her familylike so many othersshouldered because of their unjust incarc eration.\n\nModerated by Lisa Itagaki. Book signing to follow.\n DTSTAMP:20250114T165439Z SUMMARY:Communities Transformed: Families from Seattle Share Stories of the Internment (Saturday\, January 21 - Los Angeles) URL:/en/events/2006/01/21/communities-transformed-families-from-seattle-sha r/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR