BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060602T000000Z DTEND:20060604T000000Z DESCRIPTION:[inline:1=Children of the Yabu Family]\n<b><a href="http://www.">NOTICE TO ALL: California Conference on the Internment of Japanese Americans</a></b>\nThursday-Saturday\, June 2-4\, 2005\nRadisson Miyako Hotel\nSan Francisco's Japantown\n\n<b>NOTICE TO ALL\, the Califor nia Conference on the Internment of Japanese Americans</b> is sponsored by the <a href="">California Civil Liberties Public Education Program (CCLPEP) - California State Library</a >. Mark your calendars for this must-attend conference on June 2nd - 4th. This statewide working conference will be attended by hundreds of youth\, educators\, artists\, historians\, community leaders\, activists\, former internees\, concerned citizens\, as well as recipients of CCLPEP grants. H ere are three reasons to attend:\n\n(1) Honor the history of the internmen t of Japanese Americans during World War II\, those who lived through it\, and generations who carry the legacy forward.\n\n(2) Join us in shaping t he future directives and priorities for the CCLPEP\, an essential initiati ve in communicating civil liberties through the lessons of the Japanese Am erican experience and bridging communities of understanding.\n\n(3) Celebr ate and support the breadth of CCLPEP projects and related works over the past five years. These projects were created in visual art\, film & video\ , literature\, theater\, oral history\, historic preservation\, curriculum development\, and exhibition.\n\n<!--break-->\n<b>What Conference Tracks Are Available?</b>\nEach conferee will participate in one interest track t o network\, share ideas and shape direction for the future of CCLPEP. Each track is designed to faciliate directives and projects to support and enc ourage the continuity of the CCLPEP program. Following is a brief descript ion of each track:\n\n<b>Education - "Teaching Civil Liberties\, Engaging History"</b>\nThe Education Track will explore ways to effectively preserv e and teach about the Japanese American internment experience through CCLP EP-funded teaching resources.\n\n<b>Historic Preservation - "Internment an d Our Community's Resources"</b>\nThe Historic Preservation Track examines tangible and intangible cultural resources that define today's Japanese A merican communities\, and physical historic sites and its imprint on Ameri ca's landscape.\n\n<b>Youth/Young Adult - "Why History and Civil Liberties Matter to Youth"</b>\nThe Youth/Young Adult Track will address civil libe rties issues relevant to youth and young adult groups\, specifically colle ge students (ages 18-22). The sessions will increase awareness about conte mporary civil liberties issues as they pertain to youth/young adults.\n\n< b>Arts - "Concentration Camp Arts: Defining and Linking Community"</b>\nTh e Arts Track will examine the significant ways in which creative work cont ributes to the understanding of the camp experience and the Japanese Ameri can community\, while serving as an important teaching tool for linking wi th diverse audiences.\n\n<b>Policy and Advocacy - "Post 9/11 and National Civil Liberties"</b>\nThe Policy and Advocacy Track examines post-9/11 sta te and national civil liberties movements while drawing upon lessons from the Japanese-American internment experience. Special attention will be giv en to the monitoring of potential civil liberties violations and strengthe ning social consciousness regarding civil liberties.\n\n<b>General Interes t - "Telling Our Story"</b>\nThe General Interest Track is dedicated to ha nds-on workshops for developing projects that are thematically related to the Internment experience. Sessions include an introduction to oral histor y\, photo archiving and captioning\, scrap booking\, and use of historic a rtifacts\, various materials and other mediums.\n\n<b>How Can I Learn More ?</b>\nIf you would like general information or if you have questions\, em ail\, call 415.567.5505\, or visit <a href="http://www"></a>. The <a href="http://www.CCLPEPcon">conference website</a> will have the most current information. \n DTSTAMP:20240911T153515Z SUMMARY:June 2-4\, 2005\, San Francisco: NOTICE TO ALL: California Conferen ce on the Internment of Japanese Americans URL:/en/events/2006/06/02/june-2-4-2005-san-francisco-notice-to-all-califor n/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR