BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240907T000000Z DTEND:20240907T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>$5 General Public • $5一般</strong>\nTICKETS チ ケット:\n\n\n<strong>FREE for OAA m embers • 県人会会員は無料</strong>\nRSVP REQUIRED 予約が必 要:\n\n\n<strong>Producers from Okinawa in a ttendance for Q&amp\;A!\n沖縄から映画プロデューサーが来場 !</strong>\n<strong></strong>\nJapanese &amp\; Uchinaaguchi with English subtitles\n日本語とウチナーグチ、英語字幕\n\n<strong>Trail er 予告編:</strong>\n\nSet in the northern part of Okinawa\, known as Yanbaru\, Manna (a cross between Jerry Garcia\, Ai Wei Wei and Anthony Bourdain)\, the chef of a BBQ restaurant is given the task of creating a special sandwich as an offering to the gods. To ful fill the request of the priest\, he travels around the island and meets wi th several people involved in all aspects of food–including other chefs\ , farmers\, fishermen\, and food critics–seeking their advice and knowle dge in formulating the perfect sandwich to create as an offering. As he hi ts various pit-stops with his trusty old jeep\, Manna begins to understand the ideas and lifestyles evolving around sustainable agriculture and the sense of community. A hybrid film that blends documentary and fiction\, HA PPY SANDWICH is an uplifting foodie road movie\, representing the wonders of Okinawa culture. <em>(Synopsis from the Hawai‘i International Film Fe stival's website)</em>\n\n沖縄本島の北部「やんばる」。この 地で飲食店を営む料理人(満名匠吾)は、カミンチュ (神事を司どる人)から、「神様に捧げるサンドウィ ッチを作るように」と告げられる。神に捧げるにふさ わしいサンドウィッチへのヒントを求め、満名は「食 」にかかわるさまざまな人に会いに行く。生産者や料 理人たちの「食」への想いとその生き方に触れ、満名 は「食と人間の生き方」について深く考え始める。<em>( 映画のウェブサイトからの概要)</em> DTSTAMP:20241007T083025Z SUMMARY:Food Documentary from Okinawa – HAPPY SANDWICH URL:/en/events/2024/09/07/food-documentary-from-okinawa-happy-sandwich/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR