BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240627T000000Z DTEND:20240627T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\n<a href=" =2&amp\;txobjid=d134a304-a819-4307-aa6e-2d1ed2d420bf">TICKETS</a>\n\nMembe rs: Free\; General: $10\n\n<p style='box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font -smoothing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-fam ily: "Trebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Lucida Sa ns"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125rem\;'> \n\n<p style='box-siz ing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-family: "Trebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Luc ida Sans Unicode"\, "Lucida Sans"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125 rem\;'>Join Carrie Lau of  <a href="" style='box-si zing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; color: #722182\; text-decoration: underline\; background-color: transparent\; font-family: "Trebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Lucida Sans"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125rem\;'>OBJECT-MATTER</a>   and lea rn how to craft a clay object for home decor. As Carrie gained experience and developed her skills\, she was intrigued by the artistic possibilities of clay objects including wall art\, sculptures\, and playful objects. Th is exploration allowed her to push boundaries with clay\, challenging trad itional conventions and developing her own unique style.\n\n<p style='box- sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px \; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-family: "Trebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, " Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Lucida Sans"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1. 125rem\;'>Enjoy food from  <a href=" bi/?hl=en" style='box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antiali ased\; color: #722182\; text-decoration: underline\; background-color: tra nsparent\; font-family: "Trebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Un icode"\, "Lucida Sans"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125rem\;'>East Los Musubi</a>   and drinks from  <a href="" sty le='box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; color: #722182\; text-decoration: underline\; background-color: transparent\; fon t-family: "Trebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Luci da Sans"\, Tahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125rem\;'>Sanzo</a>   and  <a href="" style='box-sizing: bo rder-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; color: #722182\; text-dec oration: underline\; background-color: transparent\; font-family: "Trebuch et MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Lucida Sans"\, Tahoma\ , sans-serif\; font-size: 1.125rem\;'>Brewyard Beer Company</a> \, availab le for purchase.\n\n<p style='box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smooth ing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-family: "T rebuchet MS"\, "Lucida Grande"\, "Lucida Sans Unicode"\, "Lucida Sans"\, T ahoma\, sans-serif\; font-size: 0.875rem !important\; color: #707070\;'>Al l guests must be over the age of 21 with valid\, physical photo ID. Worksh ops are suitable for all skill levels and all materials and technical assi stance will be provided by JANM.\n\n DTSTAMP:20240601T194700Z SUMMARY:Asobi at JANM: Clay Knot and Object Workshop with Carrie Lau of OBJ ECT-MATTER URL:/en/events/2024/06/27/asobi-at-janm-clay-knot-and-object-workshop-with/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR