BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240227T000000Z DTEND:20240227T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>5 p.m. HST / 7 p.m. PST</strong>\n<em></em>\n<em>Nima V oices</em> is an interview series where we uplift our Nima through brief and enlightening interviews. In the fifteenth episode\, Okinawan Yonsei an d poet/writer/playwright <strong><a href=" ournal/author/tonouchi-lee/" target="_blank">Lee A. Tonouchi</a></strong>  will be interviewed by guest host <strong><a href="https://discovernikk" target="_blank">Wesley Ueunten</ a></strong>\, a Okinawan Sansei and Chair of the Asian American Studies De partment at San Francisco State University.\n\nJoin us as they chat about growing up in Hawai'i\, Lee’s activism for Pidgin to be recognized as a language\, Okinawan culture and diaspora\, and pursuing the arts and human ities in Okinawan and Japanese American communities.\n\nRead <a href="htt ps://" target="_blank">L ee’s articles</a> on Discover Nikkei before tuning in for this live int erview and Q&amp\;A on the <a href=" i" target="_blank">Discover Nikkei YouTube channel</a> or on <a href="ht tps://" target="_blank">Facebook</a>. Log i nto your YouTube or Facebook account to post questions for the Q&amp\;A!\n \n<em>We encourage you to subscribe to our <a href=" om/discovernikkei">YouTube channel</a>/<a href=" iscovernikkei">Facebook</a> page so you will be notified when the video i s streaming live.</em> DTSTAMP:20250118T105222Z SUMMARY:Nima Voices: Episode 15—Lee A. Tonouchi URL:/en/events/2024/02/27/nima-voices-episode-15lee-a-tonouchi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR