BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20231007T000000Z DTEND:20231021T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>$64 members\, $80 non-members. Plus $25 materials fee d ue to the instructor at the beginning of class (cash only).</strong>\n<a h ref=" World-of-Washi">REGISTER NOW</a>\n<a href="https://9644p.blackbaudhosting. com/9644p/Two-Part-Workshop-Wonderful-World-of-Washi"></a>\n<strong>Part 1 : Saturday\, October 7\, 10:00AM - 3:00PM</strong>\n<strong>Part 2: Saturd ay\, October 21\, 10:00AM - 3:00PM</strong>\n<strong>\n</strong>\n\nExplo re the wonderful world of <em>washi</em> in this two-part workshop. Lear n how to cover a variety of wooden beads with delicate <em>washi</em> (t raditional Japanese paper) and create original jewelry by arranging them o n a beading wire alongside commercial beads. Bring a willingness to learn and leave with a stunning\, original necklace and bracelet you can wear or gift. \n\nAll materials and technical assistance will be provided by ins tructors <strong>Reiko Nakano</strong> and <strong>Robyn Ogawa</strong> . The workshop is split into two parts that will build on each other over two separate weeks. You will need to attend both workshop parts in order t o complete the project. This workshop is suitable for all skill levels\, n o experience necessary to join!  DTSTAMP:20250118T094535Z SUMMARY:Two-Part Workshop: Wonderful World of Washi URL:/en/events/2023/10/07/two-part-workshop-wonderful-world-of-washi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR