BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230913T000000Z DTEND:20230913T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Free</strong>\n<a href="https://9644p.blackbaudhosting. com/9644p/tickets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=c4eff5a0-976f-468d-ba45-7851c2aeae49" >TICKETS</a>\n\nTrombonist and composer <strong>Jon Hatamiya</strong> pr esents a set of original music exploring his personal connection to the le gacy of jazz and improvised music in the Little Tokyo area. Hatamiya’s s extet features musicians at the forefront of Los Angeles’s current creat ive music scene who will bring audiences through the history of the area i nto the present day with vibrant performance.\n\nThe Jon Hatamiya Sextet i ncludes: <strong>Jon Hatamiya</strong> (trombone)\,<strong> Ennis Harri s </strong>(alto saxophone)\, <strong>Gabe Schnider</strong> (guitar)\,  <strong>Jacob Mann</strong> (keys)\, <strong>Logan Kane</strong> (bas s)\, and <strong>Colin McDaniel</strong> (drums).\n\n<em>This program is presented in partnership with California Humanities.</em>\n<em>Photo cred it: Grace Wakelee Lynch</em>\n \n\nABOUT JON HATAMIYA\nTrombonist\, compo ser\, and B.A.C. Endorsing Artist Jon Hatamiya is one of the most promisin g trombonists to come out of the Sacramento area and is rapidly making a n ame for himself on both the New York and California music scenes. He was r ecognized in the August 1\, 2011 edition of <em>Jet Magazine</em> as the only trombonist on Wynton Marsalis’s list of “Who’s Got Next\,” w hich highlighted the next generation of emerging jazz artists. Jon release d his debut album as a leader\, <em>More Than Anything</em>\, on Orenda R ecords in early 2020\, as well as an electronic EP\, <em>Some Might Say ( Revisited)</em>\, in December 2020. He has recorded with such artists as M ichael Bublé and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsali s\, among others.\n\n DTSTAMP:20240911T123853Z SUMMARY:Jazz in Little Tokyo with the Jon Hatamiya Sextet URL:/en/events/2023/09/13/jazz-in-little-tokyo-with-the-jon-hatamiya-sextet / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR