BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230822T000000Z DTEND:20230822T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The deadline to register for this year's Crystal City Pilgrimag e has been extended from August 25 to <strong>September 8\, 2023</strong> .\n <strong>\n</strong>\n<strong>Please register by September 8</strong> t o reserve your spot for a worthwhile pilgrimage with former internees and their families\, residents of Crystal City\, and supportive allies.\n\n--- ---------------------------------------------------------\n \n Crystal Cit y Pilgrimage\n \n October 26-29\, 2023\n \n San Antonio and Crystal City\, Texas\n \n This year’s Pilgrimage theme is “Reaching Across Barbed Wi re Fences” . In addition to learning about the unique history and storie s of survivors of the Crystal City Internment Camp\, this year’s Pilgrim age will look at the legacy of solidarity and activism between the interne es and the present day Crystal City community.\n \n \n ** We look forward to two Special Ceremonies to reveal:\n \n * A street named after two Japan ese Peruvian girls\, Aiko Oyakawa and Sachiko Tanabe. The dear friends tra gically drowned in the Crystal City Camp Pool in 1944. They were both 10 y ears old.\n \n * A stunning Swimming Pool Memorial Monument will be unveil ed at the Crystal City Camp site . Created by the award winning Art Direct or &amp\; Designer\, Kazumu Julio Cesar Naganuma . Kaz’s work includes t he San Francisco Japantown History Walk\, the Alameda’s Tonarigumi Histo ric Japantown markers and the Enemy Alien Files traveling exhibit. Kaz is a Japanese Peruvian who was kidnapped with his family and interned in the WWII Crystal City Internment Camp.\n \n Registration closes on August 25\, 2023! Please share widely!\n \n For more information\, visit us at https: //\n \n Like us on Facebook https://www.face DTSTAMP:20240915T223131Z SUMMARY:Deadline to Register for 2023 Crystal City Pilgrimage Extended to S eptember 8 URL:/en/events/2023/08/22/deadline-to-register-for-2023-crystal-city-pilgri m/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR