BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220423T000000Z DTEND:20220423T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>The Okinawa Association of America (OAA)</strong> will host their third annual mini craft fair on <strong>April 23 (Saturday)\, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the OAA Center’s parking lot in Gardena.</strong>\n\nT hough small in size\, this outdoor boutique stands out in that it will inc lude <strong>Okinawa-themed items such as art prints\, greeting cards\, to te bags\, clothing\, stickers\, and more.</strong> The organization hopes that this will be a big draw\, as Okinawan items are rarely available at l ocal stores\, festivals\, and other craft fairs.\n\nThe OAA also hopes tha t the event will provide an unintimidating\, community-based platform for youth artists\, independent creators\, and hobbyists to showcase their tal ents.\n\nThis event is being led by <strong>Melissa Oshiro Tran</strong>\, one of the OAA’s youngest volunteers. Currently a freshman at CSU Long Beach\, Melissa says <strong>“My mom bringing me to all the meetings and events to volunteer\, led me to coordinate an event like this. I’m trul y thankful that there are places like OAA to teach people of all ages abou t themselves and sharing their culture.”</strong>\n\n<strong>“The OAA is blessed to watch a young member like Melissa growing up within the orga nization and continuing her involvement even while a college student\,”< /strong> commented Yuko Yamauchi\, the OAA’s Executive Director. <strong >“It’s inspiring to witness her applying her talents and interests to contribute to the community and strengthen her cultural identity.”</stro ng>\n\nIn addition to learning practical skills and meeting new friends\, Melissa’s countless volunteer hours at the OAA have inspired her to stud y traditional Okinawan patterns and ways to implement those into her own w ork. <strong>“Learning about [our] heritage is important because if we d on’t learn\, I believe that we will never truly know a part of ourselves \,”</strong> the young artist added. <strong>“[The craft fair is] not just an event for fun\, but one to share our culture through our expressio n of art with everyone.”</strong>\n\nThe OAA Center is located at <stron g>16500 S. Western Ave. in Gardena</strong>. The event will be held outdoo rs in the parking lot. Street-side parking is available. <strong><span sty le="text-decoration: underline\;">Masks will be required for community saf ety.</strong> For more information\, please contact the OAA office: oaamen\, (310) 532-1929.\n\n<strong>\nCONFIRMED VENDORS</strong> < em>(subject to change without notice)</em>\n\n<ul><li><strong>Arnot Ohana Treasures:</strong> Embellished towels and water bottles</li><li><strong>A imee Buday &amp\; Monica Solis:</strong> Okinawa-themed figurines\, scarv es\, coasters\, candles\, bags\, placemats\, and pillows</li><li><strong>H iro Melody Edington:</strong> Okinawa-themed decals\, masks\, mugs\, key f obs\, and more</li><li><strong>Rumiko Hirano:</strong> Okinawa-themed coin purses\, tissue cases\, tote/handbags\, traditional Okinawan chopsticks ( akakiibashi) with case</li><li><strong>Kanasa:</strong> Tote bags\, "Shima nchu nu Kwii: The Voices of Shimanchu" magazines\, stickers – IG @kanas aorganics @shimanchumag</li><li><strong>Dana "Kame" Mays:</strong> Hand-bo und sketch books\, handmade bookmarks\, hand-crocheted doilies\, handcraft ed pen and letter opener set</li><li><strong>Melissa’s Creations:</stron g> Okinawa-themed cards\, art\, tote bags\, and more – IG @melissatcreat ions</li><li><strong>Seiji Nakaki &amp\; Lasha Tamae:</strong> Washi tape\ , keychains\, zines\, and more – IG/Twitter @seijigay @lashadraws</li><l i><strong>OAA:</strong> Okinawa-themed tote bags and t-shirts\, used books sale (not Okinawan)\, white elephant sale (not Okinawan)</li><li><strong> Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko L.A.:</strong> Okinawa-themed shirts\, stickers\, and more – FB/IG @rmdlosangeles</li><li><strong>Shimanchu Dushi-nu-chaa (Okinawan Friends):</strong> Okinawa-themed postcards\, stickers\, music CDs\, and more – IG @shimanchu.playlist</li><li><strong>Tierra Murra by Ecommshipments:</strong> Photocards\, hats\, jewelry\, and clothing – ti</li><li><strong>YuMa Accessories:</strong> Cell phone charms /straps – IG @yumaaccessories</li></ul> DTSTAMP:20240909T012009Z SUMMARY:Okinawan Craft Fair in Gardena – Art\, Crafts\, Gifts by Local C reators URL:/en/events/2022/04/23/okinawan-craft-fair-in-gardena-art-crafts-gift/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR