BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220326T000000Z DTEND:20220326T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Connecting Canada and Japan through Baseball !!\n\nカナダと 日本を野球で繋ぐ \n\n<strong>100th Anniversary of Friendship betw een Vancouver Asahi  </strong>\n\n<strong>and Wakayama Toin High School  </strong>\n\nバンクーバー朝日軍と和歌山桐蔭高校友好 記念100周年イベント \n\nWith guest speakers\, Consul Genera l Hatori\, Kaye Kaminishi (original Asahi player)\, Grace Eiko Thompson  (curator/historian)\, Nobutaka Iwahashi (President of Wakayama Sister City Affiliation Committee)\, Toshio  Takai (President of Committee for Promo ting International Cooperation)\, Sihngo Sasai (Principal of Toin High  S chool) and others. \n\n参加ゲスト、羽鳥日本国総領事、ケ イ上西、オリジナル朝日軍選手、グレース・トンプソ ン、歴史 家、岩橋延直、和歌山国際姉妹都市親善協会 会長、高井利夫、国際協力推進協議会会長、笹井晋吾 桐蔭高校校長他 \n\nDate and Time: March 26 @ 6:00 PM PST\, March 2 7@10:00 AM JST \n\n3月27日(日)10:00 AM JST\, 3月26日 (土)6:00 PM PST \n\nTo register: Go to the link below \n\n参加お 申し込みは下記のリンクからどうぞ。 \n\n /ThWdGz1r3WE6oNJq7 \n\nJointly Organized by Asahi Baseball Association &a mp\; Japan Canada Chamber of Commerce 朝日ベースボール・アソシ エーション&日本カナダ商工会議所共催\n\nThe Vancouver As ahi team was founded in 1914 and in the fall of 1921\, the team made a lon g awaited expedition to Japan and traveled all over Japan\, playing not on ly against university and adult baseball teams\, but also against the form er Wakayama Middle  School\, the winner of the National Middle School Bas eball Championship.\n\nThe Shin Asahi team\, which was established in 2014 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the founding of Vancouver Asahi \, has toured Japan every two years since 2015.\n\nSince the 4th Japan tou r of the Shin Asahi team scheduled for 2021 would be the 100th anniversary of the Vancouver Asahi team's 1921 Japan tour\, Yobun Shima  thought it would be a good opportunity for the Shin Asahi to visit Wakayama Toin High School in Wakayama\, which the team had not visited in the past. He came up with this idea because one of his ancestors was from Wakayama Prefectur e.\n\nYobun Shima met Mr.Omatsu\, manager of the school's baseball team. I n the course of their conversations\, he received a positive answer from M r. Omatsu\, and approached the Shin Asahi who decided to make it happen in 2021.\n\nThe commemorative ceremony will be held online this year.\n\n DTSTAMP:20240912T054614Z SUMMARY:100th Anniversary of Friendship between Vancouver Asahi and Wakaya ma Toin High School URL:/en/events/2022/03/26/100th-anniversary-of-friendship-between-vancouver / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR