BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220122T000000Z DTEND:20220122T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="font-weight: normal\;"><span style="text-decoratio n: underline\;">EVENT UPDATE\n<span style="text-decoration: underline\;">D ue to the rapidly increasing COVID-19 infection rates in Los Angeles Count y due to the Omicron variant\, this program is postponed until further not ice. All those who have already RSVPed will be contacted when a new date i s set.\n\n<span style="text-decoration: underline\;">The safety of our com munity is of paramount importance to us\, as is our obligation as a public institution to do our part to support efforts to inhibit the spread of th e COVID-19 virus. We will continue to monitor public health guidelines and reassess as the situation unfolds. Please visit <a href="https://www.jan"></a> for more information regarding visiting J ANM. \n\n<strong>FREE for members</strong>\n\nJoin for an exclusive conve rsation for JANM members with renowned author and historian\, <strong>Art hur A. Hansen</strong>.\n\nThis program is FREE for all members\, but RSVP s are required in advance at the link below\, by email to memberevents@jan\, or phone at 213.830.5646. Space is limited so RSVP today!\n\n<a hr ef="\;tab=2& amp\;txobjid=1fd3a322-759e-4e72-85fa-8226e5b4db63">RSVP NOW</a>\n\nNot a c urrent member? <a href=" Memberships">Join or renew today</a>!\n\n<a href="https://discovernikkei.o rg/en/events/2022/01/22/6513/">Join us for the book discussion </a>on <e m>Beyond the Betrayal</em> after the meet-and-greet at 2:00 pm (PDT). DTSTAMP:20250114T232003Z SUMMARY:POSTPONED: Members Only Meet-and-Greet with Arthur Hansen URL:/en/events/2022/01/22/postponed-members-only-meet-and-greet-with-arthur / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR