BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201209T000000Z DTEND:20201209T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><em>Suggested donation $10</em></strong>\n\nGather with us in the comfort of your own home to share tea and conversation! As wint er settles in\, we will be writing letters of compassion and support to th ose currently incarcerated in Otay Mesa Detention Center in Southern Calif ornia and spending some time in personal reflection. Prompts will be provi ded by special guests and <strong>traci kato-kiriyama</strong>\, former Li ttle Tokyo +LAB Artist-in-Residence at JANM. Make yourself a cup of tea\, get comfortable\, and join us online for this interactive monthly program! All ages are welcome to participate.\n\n<strong>RSVPs are required using the link below.</strong> You will be emailed links and instructions to joi n our conversation on Zoom. Please confirm that the email that you registe r with is the best way to reach you. Contact if yo u have any additional questions or specific access concerns.\n\n<a href="h ttps://\;txobjid=af61744 f-4e8e-41de-b85e-244e4e2df974" target="_blank"><strong>RSVP NOW</strong></ a>\n<a href="\;t xobjid=af61744f-4e8e-41de-b85e-244e4e2df974" target="_blank"><strong></str ong></a>\n<em>This monthly series was launched through the +LAB Artist Res idency program presented by the Little Tokyo Service Center in partnership with JANM and continues now in partnership with Tuesday Night Project&rsq uo\;s TNTalks initiative.</em> DTSTAMP:20240918T003525Z SUMMARY:Tea and Letter Writing: Letters of Warmth URL:/en/events/2020/12/09/tea-and-letter-writing-letters-of-warmth/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR