BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201215T000000Z DTEND:20201215T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="color: #c21313\; font-weight: bold\;">FREE\n\n&ldq uo\;Nima&rdquo\; are members of the Discover Nikkei online community. Hail ing from all around the world\, they each bring unique experiences and per spectives to the site&rsquo\;s rich archive of stories. &ldquo\;Nima Voice s&rdquo\; is an interview series where we uplift our Nima through brief\, but enlightening\, interviews! In the second episode\, hear from Discover Nikkei contributor <strong>Erik Matsunaga</strong> as he is interviewed by our guest host\, award-winning author <strong>Naomi Hirahara</strong>.\n\ nIn addition to sharing his stories on Discover Nikkei\, <strong>Erik Mats unaga</strong>&rsquo\;s investigations into the history of Chicago&rsquo\; s Japanese American community have been featured by the Japanese American National Museum\, Alphawood Gallery\, WBEZ Radio\, and the Newberry Librar y. Born in Chicago\, a descendant of WWII-era Nikkei resettlers from Calif ornia\, he curates <a href="" ta rget="_blank">@windycitynikkei</a>&mdash\;&ldquo\;Bite-sized Glimpses of J apanese American Chicago&rdquo\;&mdash\;on Instagram. <a href="/journal/au thor/matsunaga-erik/" target="_blank">Read Erik&rsquo\;s work here</a> bef ore tuning in for this live interview and Q&amp\;A on the Discover Nikkei YouTube channel.\n\nNaomi Hirahara is the author of the Edgar Award-winnin g Mas Arai mystery series\, which features a Kibei Nisei gardener and atom ic-bomb survivor who solves crimes\, Officer Ellie Rush series\, and now t he new Leilani Santiago mysteries. A former editor of The Rafu Shimpo\, sh e has written a number of nonfiction books on the Japanese American experi ence and several 12-part serials for Discover Nikkei. Her historical myste ry\, Clark and Division\, set in 1944 Chicago\, will be released in August 2021 by Soho Crime. <a href="/journal/author/hirahara-naomi/" target="_bl ank">Read Naomi&rsquo\;s stories on Discover Nikkei.</a>\n\nWatch the prog ram live on the Discover Nikkei&nbsp\;<a href=" r/DiscoverNikkei" target="_blank">YouTube channel</a> on December 15\, 202 0 at 5 p.m. (PST)\n\n<a href="" target="_blank"><strong>WATCH HERE</strong></a>\n<em></em>\n<em>We encour age you to subscribe to our channel&nbsp\;so you will be notified when the video is streaming live.</em> DTSTAMP:20240919T103028Z SUMMARY:Discover Nikkei’s Nima Voices: Episode 2—Erik Matsunaga URL:/en/events/2020/12/15/discover-nikkeis-nima-voices-episode-2erik-mats/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR