BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201105T000000Z DTEND:20201129T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Kokoro kara\, an online auction from the heart to benefit a Jap anese American legacy.&nbsp\; This year has been challenging for people al l around the world.&nbsp\; At the Japanese Cultural &amp\; Community Cente r of Washington (JCCCW)\, we have also faced our own challenges\, but we&r squo\;ve been fortunate to have the continued support of community members . Some have donated items from their own personal collection for this spec ial event. Many of these items are rare and difficult to obtain\, even in Japan! This special collection of beautiful and unique Japanese items can now become part of your collection. Proceeds from this auction will be use d to continue preservation efforts to protect the JCCCW as a Seattle landm ark and its one hundred year history.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\nThe online auction will be held in<strong>&nbsp\;November</strong>&nbsp\;and will be an event that you won&rsquo\;t want to miss. Over 40 items have been carefully cur ated and all can be shipped to the winning bidder.&nbsp\; Items will be pu t up for auction in three lots.&nbsp\;<strong>On the first three Thursdays of November a lot will open at 3PM (PST).</strong>&nbsp\;Bidding will be open for 10 days per lot. See our full collection at&nbsp\;<a href="http:/ /" target="_blank"> n</a>.\n\n<strong>WHEN:&nbsp\;</strong>On the first three Thursdays of Nov ember a lot will open at 3PM (PST).\n\n<blockquote>\n1st lot: November 5th at 3pm PST - November 15th at 6 pm PST\n2nd lot:&nbsp\;November 12th at 3 pm PST - November 22nd at 6 pm PST\n3rd lot: November 19th at 3pm PST - No vember 29th at 6 pm PST\n</blockquote>\n<strong>How to Bid:</strong>&nbsp\ ;Starting October 16th\, you will be able to see all items we will have av ailable for bidding. From then\, you can create your account by adding you r email and credit card to be eligible to bid. On November 5th\, the first lot will be open\, and you can start bidding!\n<strong>WHERE:&nbsp\;</str ong><a href="" target="_blank">www.jccc</a> DTSTAMP:20241109T013132Z SUMMARY:Kokoro Kara Auction: A Collection Offered from the Heart URL:/en/events/2020/11/05/kokoro-kara-auction-a-collection-offered-from-the / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR