BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191011T000000Z DTEND:20191011T000000Z DESCRIPTION:TALK\n<strong>Friday\, October 11\, 4 PM</strong>\n<strong>Momo yo Kaijima</strong> and <strong>Yoshiharu Tsukamoto</strong>\, founders of architectural firm <strong>Atelier Bow-Wow</strong>\, focus their work on behavioral relationships in living environments\, and how human intera ction can affect the cityscape as well as society. Innovative contemporary artist <strong>Rirkrit Tiravanija</strong>\, who splits his time between New York\, Berlin and Chiang Mai\, is known for his "relational" artistic practice offering real-time experience and aligning social engagement as art. In this discussion\, they will talk about their current works and sha re views on living\, art and architecture.\n<em>Followed by a reception.</ em>\n<strong>Tickets:</strong> $15/$12 Japan Society members\, The Archit ectural League of New York members\, seniors &amp\; students\; free admiss ion to exhibition included with ticket.\n<em>FOLLOW LINK FOR TICKETS:</em> \n<a href=" er-bow-wow-on-current-work"> avanija-and-atelier-bow-wow-on-current-work</a> DTSTAMP:20250123T013731Z SUMMARY:Rirkrit Tiravanija &amp\; Atelier Bow-Wow on Current Work URL:/en/events/2019/10/11/rirkrit-tiravanija-atelier-bow-wow-on-current-wo/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR