BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191023T000000Z DTEND:20191023T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In Japan\, the practice of&nbsp\;<em>shinrin-yoku</em>\, or "fo rest bathing" is hailed for its therapeutic effects. Proponents believe th at by simply immersing ourselves in the atmosphere of a forest\, we can so ak in the healing power of trees. In a fast-paced world\, forest bathing i s a chance to be mindful of our surroundings\, and to connect with nature through our senses. At this talk\,&nbsp\;<strong>Dr. Yoshifumi Miyazaki</s trong>\, former deputy director of Chiba University's Center for Environme nt\, Health\, and Field Sciences and author of&nbsp\;<em>Shinrin Yoku: The Japanese Art of Forest Bathing</em>\, examines the scientific evidence be hind the concept of forest bathing and its potential to enhance wellness a nd happiness. Discover how you can connect with nature through this Japane se tradition\, wherever you live.&nbsp\;\n<em>In Japanese with English int erpretation. Followed by a book signing reception.</em>&nbsp\;\n<strong>Ti ckets:</strong>&nbsp\;$15/$12 members\, seniors &amp\; students&nbsp\;\n<s trong>RSVP</strong>:&nbsp\; ng-seeking-wellness-through-nature DTSTAMP:20240909T074113Z SUMMARY:Forest Bathing: Seeking Wellness through Nature URL:/en/events/2019/10/23/forest-bathing-seeking-wellness-through-nature/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR