BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190518T000000Z DTEND:20190519T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Saturday–Sunday\, May 18–19\n11 a.m.–4 p.m.</stro ng>\n<em>Washi</em> is a traditional Japanese handmade decorative paper t hat dates back to the seventh century. Unlike machine-made paper from wood pulp\, <em>washi</em> is made from the inner bark of plants such as mul berry\, bamboo\, and wisteria\, and hemp. The intertwining of fibers resul ts in a paper that is strong\, durable\, washable\, and acid-free. Its thi n\, smooth\, soft surface can be printed with vivid colors and complex des igns.\n\nIn this workshop led by Reiko Nakano\, make your own long lariat necklace with irregular shaped wooden beads\, commercially made adornments \, and bronze filigree connectors. The second project will be matching ear rings.\n\nPlease bring your own beading board and jewelry-making tools\, i f possible. If not\, all materials are supplied. Also bring a snack\, and a desire to learn. $64 members\, $80 non-members\, plus $25 materials fee due to the instructor at the beginning of class (cash only). <a href="htt p://" target="_blank">Museum admission</a> in cluded. Limited to 12 participants.\n\n<a href="https://9644p.blackbaudhos\;txobjid=5f5c2fbb-ed35-4a8f-baee-8d0b3552 da1d" target="_blank">TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n<em><span styl e="color: #333333\; font-family: Arial\;">In the Nancy K. Araki Community Education Center</em><strong></strong><em></em>\n\nCheck <a href="http://w" target="_blank"></a> for updates.\ n\n<strong></strong><em></em><a href=" 644p/tickets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=5f5c2fbb-ed35-4a8f-baee-8d0b3552da1d" targ et="_blank"></a><strong></strong><em></em> DTSTAMP:20250123T161532Z SUMMARY:Two-Day Jewelry Workshop: The Wonderful World of Washi URL:/en/events/2019/05/18/two-day-jewelry-workshop-the-wonderful-world-of-w / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR