BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190319T000000Z DTEND:20190319T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Corporate Luncheon\nToday\, the world is witnessing unprecedent ed levels of instability and uncertainty\, from the U.S. President&rsquo\; s nationalistic &ldquo\;America First&rdquo\; policy\, to Brexit\, to Nort h Korea&rsquo\;s nuclear and missile programs. Furthermore\, in the intern ational cooperation arena\, many are raising concerns about the effectiven ess of the UN's interventions\, in particular on how to resolve serious co nflicts. How can Japan play a role in contributing to peace and stability? How can the U.S. and Japan cooperate for a more prosperous and stable wor ld? In this program\, Ambassador Tsuneo Nishida discusses current world af fairs and Japan&rsquo\;s role in an era of uncertainty.&nbsp\;\n <strong>S peaker:</strong>\n<strong>Tsuneo Nishida</strong>\, Honorary Director\, Th e Center for Peace\, Hiroshima University\; Special Assistant to the Presi dent\, Hiroshima University\; former Ambassador Extraordinary &amp\; Pleni potentiary\, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations \n \n <strong>Moderator:</strong>\n<strong>Cameron Munter</strong>\, Chief Exec utive Officer &amp\; President\, EastWest Institute \n \n <strong>Agenda:< /strong>\n\n12-12:30 PM\nRegistration and Reception\n\n12:30-1 PM\nLuncheo n\n\n1-2 PM\nLecture and Q&amp\;A\n\n \n <strong>Admission:</strong>\n Non -Corporate members: $65 lunch &amp\; lecture/$20 lecture only\n Japan Soci ety Corporate Members: Free\, up to designated number of tickets\; additio nal tickets $45 lunch &amp\; lecture/$15 lecture only\n Japan Society Indi vidual Members at Patron Circle level and above: $45 lunch &amp\; lecture/ $15 lecture only\n Academic and government: $35 lunch &amp\; lecture/$15 l ecture only \n \n Seating is available on a first come\, first served basi s. \n \n <em>Prepayment must be made with a credit card. All cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event</em> \n \n For more inf ormation\, please contact the Business and Policy Program at 212-715-1208 or email <a></a>.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20241003T210554Z SUMMARY:Japan's Role in a Turbulent World URL:/en/events/2019/03/19/japans-role-in-a-turbulent-world/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR