BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190104T000000Z DTEND:20190105T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Japan Society's Contemporary Dance Festival continues this year with three revelatory and robust works from three countries. From Jap an\,&nbsp\;<strong>Mitsutake Kasai</strong>&nbsp\;performs butoh master Ak ira Kasai&rsquo\;s legendary piece&nbsp\;<em>Pollen Revolution</em>. Haile d as &ldquo\;energetic and altogether wonderfully human&rdquo\; two decade s ago\, Sr. Kasai choreographs a revival of this eclectic dance for his so n. From Taiwan\, choreographed by emerging star&nbsp\;<strong>Kuan-Hsiang Liu</strong>\,&nbsp\;<em>Kids</em>&nbsp\;is a tribute to death and the cho reographer's mother. Performed to voice recordings of Liu with his mother during her fight against cancer\, this modern-day grief ritual is full of idiosyncratic motion and moments of serenity. From Korea\,&nbsp\;<em>Silve r Knife</em>&nbsp\;by&nbsp\;<strong>Goblin Party</strong>&nbsp\;delves int o conflicting portrayals of female identity through the eloquently crafted movements of four women.&nbsp\;\nJanuary 4th and 5th\, at 7:30PM\n<strong >Tickets:</strong>&nbsp\;$30/$25 members&nbsp\;\nTickets can be purchased <a href=" pan-east-asia">online</a>\, or by visiting/calling the Box Office at (212) 715-1258.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20241206T015746Z SUMMARY:Contemporary Dance Festival: Japan + East Asia URL:/en/events/2019/01/04/contemporary-dance-festival-japan-east-asia/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR