BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180322T000000Z DTEND:20180322T000000Z DESCRIPTION:NOTE: This event has been CANCELED and will NOT be held today\, March 22\, 2018. Please visit the below site for updates on this program: \n\n\n\n____ _________________________\n\nIn 1943 and 1944 the U.S. Supreme Court uphel d the military orders that forced over 120\,000 Japanese Americans into Am erican prison camps. It took almost 40 years to overturn the convictions o f Fred Korematsu and others who violated the orders with the "smoknig gun" evience of governmental misconduct.\n\nA panel discussion with Prof. Pete r Irons of the University of California at San Diego\, author of <em>Justi ce at War</em>&nbsp\;and a leader of the 1983 legal team representing Fred Korematsu along with Karen Korematsu\, daughter of Fred Korematsu and Fou nder 7 Executive Director of the Fred T. Korematsu Institute.\n\nModerated by Michael Hindus\, Lecturer in History and American Studies at Columbia University.\n\nSponsored by the Center for American Studies\, Columbia Uni versity.\n\nFree and open to the public.\n\nTo learn more please visit\,\n \n\n\nhttps: // united-states DTSTAMP:20241104T164553Z SUMMARY:CANCELED/Korematsu v. United States: The History and Legacy of the WWII Japanese-American Incarceration Cases URL:/en/events/2018/03/22/canceledkorematsu-v-united-states-the-history/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR