BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161019T000000Z DTEND:20161019T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Exquisitely tender pieces of Japanese&nbsp\;<em>wagyu</em>&nbsp \;beef seem to melt in your mouth. Prized for its delicate texture and fin e marbling\, prime cuts of this gourmet meat can sometimes cost over $30 p er ounce. Yet many myths and misconceptions have cropped up surrounding<em >&nbsp\;wagyu</em>\, a word which simply combines the characters for &ldqu o\;Japanese&rdquo\; and &ldquo\;cattle\,&rdquo\; but may not always be so clear-cut. Are Japanese cattle given massages and fed sake and beer? What does &ldquo\;American&nbsp\;<em>wagyu</em>&rdquo\; mean? At this special e vent\, learn more about Japanese&nbsp\;<em>wagyu</em>&nbsp\;beef with Yale agrarian studies professor&nbsp\;<strong>Dr. Daniel Botsman</strong>\, wa tch an on-stage cooking demonstration and enjoy a tasting reception featur ing&nbsp\;<em>wagyu</em>&nbsp\;beef imported from Japan.&nbsp\;<em>Followe d by a tasting reception</em>.\nTickets: $19/$15 Japan Society&nbsp\;<a hr ef="">members</a>\, sen iors and students DTSTAMP:20240912T231412Z SUMMARY:Where's the Beef: Wagyu Fact &amp\; Fiction URL:/en/events/2016/10/19/wheres-the-beef-wagyu-fact-fiction/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR