BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141019T000000Z DTEND:20141019T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The third biennial West Los Angeles' Sawtelle Community Reunion will take place on Sunday\, October 19\, 1:00-5:00 PM at the West Los Ang eles Buddhist Temple Social Hall\, 2003 Corinth Avenue\, Los Angeles\, CA 90025.\n\nThe event is open to everyone who lives in Sawtelle\, as well as those who have lived in West LA in the past.\n\nJoin us as we remember ou r past\, reflect on the future of our Sawtelle neighborhood\, and renew fr iendships.\n\nRegistration at the door is $30\, which includes light refre shments\, beer and wine.\n\nMake checks payable to "JIS Sawtelle Reunion" and mail to Sawtelle Reunion c/o Norman Sakamoto\, 11800 Navy St.\, Los An geles CA 90066. Include name and contact phone number.\n\nFor more informa tion about the Sawtelle Reunion III\, please contact o r DTSTAMP:20241003T225425Z SUMMARY:Sawtelle Reunion III URL:/en/events/2014/10/19/sawtelle-reunion-iii/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR