BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140215T000000Z DTEND:20140215T000000Z DESCRIPTION:&ldquo\;Someone&rsquo\;s GARAKUTA (junk) is another&rsquo\;s OT AKARA (treasure).&rdquo\;\n\n<strong>Date</strong> : Saturday\, February 1 5\, 2014\n <strong>Time</strong> : 10:00am-4:00pm\n \n <strong>Free admiss ion!</strong>\n\nCome to our 8th Annual Treasure Hunt (<em>Otakara Hakkuts u</em> ) Market &ndash\; join in on the hunt and find YOUR treasure!\n \nO ver 40 tables with lots of Japanese items\, dishes\, clothes\, small appli ances\, toys\, books etc.\n\nFind treasures! Join the many scavengers!\n\n <span style="color: #993300\;"><strong>Japanese Book Sale: </strong> \n<sp an style="color: #993300\;">Thousands of Japanese books\, comics\, magazin es. All in EXCELLENT condition! AMAZING prices!! \n<span style="color: #99 3300\;"><strong>Prize Draws</strong> &ndash\; You have a chance to win pri zes such as NNMCC Membership\, $10-$5 book voucher for the next book sale\ , Gift packages\, etc.&nbsp\; for every $10 when you spend for Japanese bo oks! Or visit corporate booth and get a entry form. DTSTAMP:20240915T040636Z SUMMARY:Treasure Hunt Market &amp\; Japanese Book Sale URL:/en/events/2014/02/15/treasure-hunt-market-amp-japanese-book-sale/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR