BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131116T000000Z DTEND:20131116T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the Japan Society <a href=" nt/the-life-of-oharu">website</a>:&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Introduction by Joel Neville Anderson\, filmmaker/scholar\, PhD student\, Visual and Cultural S tudies\, University of Rochester&nbsp\;</strong>\n<strong>Donald Richie on <em>&nbsp\;The Life of Oharu</em>:</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n"Based on a light and picaresque novel by the 17th-century writer Saikaku\, the film takes a more serious view of the decline and fall of the heroine--from co urt lady to common whore. Yoshikata Yoda's script\, Tanaka's performance a s Oharu\, Hiroshi Mizutani's art direction and Ichiro Saito's score&mdash\ ;using Japanese instruments&mdash\;help make this one of Mizoguchi's most elegantly beautiful films."&nbsp\;\n\nRichie introduced Kenji Mizoguchi th rough a retrospective at the Cannes International Film Festival in 1961. S et in feudal Japan\,<em>The Life of Oharu</em>&nbsp\;is Mizoguchi's harsh indictment of exploitative men and a system that victimizes women. Tanaka demonstrates extraordinary tour-de-force acting in her role as a woman at various stages of her life who is continuously affected by men around her. A testimony to the supreme craftsmanship of Japanese filmmaking\, the fil m is based on Saikaku Ihara's novel&nbsp\;<em>Koshoku Ichidai Onna</em>.&n bsp\;\n\n<em>1952\, 136 min.\, 35mm\, B&amp\;W\, in Japanese with English subtitles. Directed by Kenji Mizoguchi. With Kinuyo Tanaka\, Hisako Yamane \, Toshiro Mifune\, Yuriko Hamada\, Jukichi Uno\, Ichiro Sugai.&nbsp\;</em >\n<em></em>\n<a href=" ibute-to-donald-richie">Part of&nbsp\;<em>Richie's Fantastic Five: A Tribu te to Donald Richie (1924-2013)\, Part 1</em></a>\n<strong>\nTICKETS</stro ng>\n$12/$9 Japan Society members\, seniors and students\n\n<a href="https ://"> Buy tickets online</a>&nbsp\;or call the Japan Society Box Office at (212) 715-1258\, Mon. - Fri. 11 am - 6 pm\, Weekends 11 am - 5 pm.&nbsp\;\n\nIf you are interested in purchasing group tickets for the event (10 or more) \, please email&nbsp\;<a href="">f2@japansociety .org</a>&nbsp\;for information on our discounted rate.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20241007T075805Z SUMMARY:The Life of Oharu Film Screening URL:/en/events/2013/11/16/the-life-of-oharu-film-screening/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR