BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131029T000000Z DTEND:20131031T000000Z DESCRIPTION:&quot\;The object in holding the convention is to furnish oppor tunities for the Japanese descendants all over the world to provide inform ation about their countries and to discuss among themselves ways of furthe r strengthening ties of brotherhood and solidarity while keeping in mind t he significance of cultural and personal exchanges as the main theme.\n\nI t is cordially requested that as many Nikkeis and Japanese Abroad as possi ble will attend this convention.&quot\;\n\n<strong><span style="text-decor ation: underline\;">Location: </strong> <strong></strong>\n<strong>Kensei Kinenkan</strong> \n (For Registry &amp\; Ceremony)\n\n1-1-1\, Nagata-cho \, Chiyoda-ku\, Tokyo\n Tel:03-3581-1651\n\n&nbsp\;Use subway &quot\;Yurak ucho line&quot\;\, &quot\;Hanzomon line&quot\;\, or &quot\;Nanboku line&qu ot\;. Get off at &quot\;Nagatacho&quot\; station. 5-minute-walk from the & quot\;2nd Exit&quot\;. Subway &quot\;Chiyoda line&quot\; or &quot\;Marunou chi line&quot\; can be used as well. Get off at &quot\;Kokkai gijido mae&q uot\; station and walk about 7 minutes from the &quot\;2nd Exit&quot\;.\n\ n&nbsp\;<strong>JICA</strong> &nbsp\;<strong>Ichigaya Building</strong> \n (For The Representatives' Meetings)\n\n10-5\, Honmura-cho\, Ichigaya\ , Shinjuku-ku\, Tokyo\n Tel:03-3269-2911\n\n&nbsp\;Use JR &quot\;Chuo line &quot\;\,&quot\;Sobu line&quot\;. Get off at &quot\;Ichigaya&quot\; statio n.About 10-minute-walk from the station. Subway &quot\;Yurakucho line&quot \;\,&quot\;ToeiShinjyuku line&quot\;can be used as well. Walk about 10 min utes from the &quot\;A1/4 Exit&quot\;. Or &quot\;Yurakucho line&quot\;\,&q uot\;Nanboku line&quot\;also can be used. About 10-minute-walk from the &q uot\;6th Exit&quot\;.\n\nFor more information\, visit:&nbsp\;<a href="http :// abroad.html"> kei-and-japanese-abroad.html</a> DTSTAMP:20240920T162927Z SUMMARY:The 54th Convention of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad URL:/en/events/2013/10/29/the-54th-convention-of-nikkei-and-japanese-abroad / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR