BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130302T000000Z DTEND:20130302T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Double bill\n Saturday\, March 2\, 2-3pm\n Admission $5 | membe rs &amp\; seniors $3\n\nMark this year&rsquo\;s Hinamatsuri (one day early ) with two short films which tell the story of women who lived through th e Japanese Canadian internment.\n\n<strong>Reiko&rsquo\;s Hina Dolls</str ong>\nIt&rsquo\;s 1935. A Japanese family making their start in Canada rec eives a special gift from the country they left behind &ndash\; a beautif ul set of Hina dolls. The dolls take on a conflicted meaning as the famil y struggles to adapt to their new home. When war breaks out with Japan\, the family is faced with a punishing choice. In English with Japanese sub titles. Written\, directed and produced by Komaki Matsui. Original story by Yumiko Hoyano. 28 min. 2012.\n <a href=" =h_T2ioYoAVI"></a> (Trailer)\n\n <strong>Kimiko Murakami: </strong> <strong>Triumph over Internment</strong >\nMary Kitagawa tells how her mother Kimiko Murakami and family were rel ocated from their farm on Salt Spring Island to internment camps in the i nterior of British Columbia after the bombing of Pearl Harbour in 1941. W ritten\, directed and produced by Susan Poizner. 23 min. 2005. DTSTAMP:20240907T151654Z SUMMARY:Films: REIKO’S HINA DOLLS and KIMIKO MURAKAMI URL:/en/events/2013/03/02/films-reikos-hina-dolls-and-kimiko-murakami/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR