BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120311T000000Z DTEND:20120311T000000Z DESCRIPTION:LOS ANGELES BUDDHIST CHURCH FEDERATION TO OBSERVE 1-YEAR MEMORI AL ON MARCH 11&nbsp\;\n\nThe Los Angeles Buddhist Church Federation will h old a one-year&nbsp\;memorial service for the victims of the Eastern Japan &nbsp\;Earthquake/Tsunami that occurred last year on March 11.&nbsp\;\n\nT he memorial service open to all who wish to attend will begin at 2:00&nbsp \;pm at the Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple (815 E. First Street\, Little& nbsp\;Tokyo). &nbsp\;Ministers of the seven member temples (Higashi Hongan ji\,&nbsp\;Jodoshu\, Koyasan\, Long Beach\, Nichiren-shu\, Nishi Hongwanji \, Zenshuji)&nbsp\;will participate in the service led by officiant\, Rimb an Hiroshi&nbsp\;Abiko. &nbsp\;The Dharma message will be delivered by Rin ban Noriaki Ito\,&nbsp\;chair of the LABCF.&nbsp\;\n\nAt exactly 2:46 pm w hich is the time the earthquake struck last year\,&nbsp\;a memorial ringin g of the Bonsho\, the massive bell that stands in the&nbsp\;temple courtya rd\, will occur.\n DTSTAMP:20240915T070353Z SUMMARY:Los Angeles Buddhist Church Federation - 3/11 1-Year Memorial Obser vation URL:/en/events/2012/03/11/los-angeles-buddhist-church-federation-311-1-ye/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR