BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111109T000000Z DTEND:20111109T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Wednesday\, November 9\, 2011</strong>\n\n6:30 PM - 8:3 0 PM\n\nMidwest Buddhist Temple\n\n435 West Menomonee Street\n\nChicago\, IL 60640\n\n&nbsp\;\n\n&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>PIZZA DINNER -- FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC</strong>\n\n<strong>PLEASE RSVP TO <a href="mailto:CHICAGO@JAC L.ORG" target="_blank">CHICAGO@JACL.ORG</a> OR <a href="tel:773.728.7171" target="_blank">773.728.7171</a></strong>\n\n<strong>&nbsp\;</strong>\n\nP arking available: from North Ave\, turn north onto Hudson towards the Temp le.\n\n&nbsp\;\n\nAbout <em><strong>One Big Hapa Family</strong></em>: Af ter a realization at a family reunion\, half-Japanese Canadian filmmaker Jeff Chiba Stearns embarks on a journey of self-discovery to find out why everyone in his Japanese-Canadian family married interracially after his grandparents' generation. This feature live action and animated document ary explores why 100% of all Japanese-Canadians are marrying interraciall y\, the highest out of any other ethnicity in Canada\, and how their mixe d children perceive their unique multiracial identities. <em><strong>One Big Hapa Family</strong></em> challenges our perceptions of purity and mak es us question if mixing is the end of multiculturalism as we know it.&nbs p\;\n\n&nbsp\;\n DTSTAMP:20241206T232037Z SUMMARY:JACL chicago Annual Meeting Showing the film One Big Hapa Family URL:/en/events/2011/11/09/jacl-chicago-annual-meeting-showing-the-film-one- b/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR