BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111014T000000Z DTEND:20120116T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\n<span style="color: purple\;"><strong>About the Exhibition</s trong>\n\nThrough the diverse perspectives of seven ordinary citizens whos e lives and communities were forever changed by World War II\, this exhibi tion asks visitors to think critically about freedom\, history\, and\, ult imately\, the ongoing struggle to live democratically in a diverse America .\n\n<em>Fighting For Democracy: Who is the &ldquo\;We&rdquo\; in &ldquo\; We\, the People&rdquo\;?</em>&nbsp\;is presented by the&nbsp\;<a href="htt p://">National Center for the Preservation of Democrac y</a>\, an educational program of the Japanese American National Museum\, to advance the understanding of\, and commitment to\, American democratic ideals. The Los Angeles exhibition opened in October\, 2005\, and was made possible with major support provided by the U.S. Army Center for Military History.\n\n<span style="color: purple\;"><strong>About the National Cons titution Center Presentation</strong>\n\nA groundbreaking exhibit-theater hybrid\,&nbsp\;<em>Fighting For Democracy: Who is the &ldquo\;We&rdquo\; i n &ldquo\;We\, the People&rdquo\;?</em>&nbsp\;immerses visitors in the Wor ld War II era through a uniquely personal perspective. Featuring letters\, photos\, newspapers\, films and immigration documents\, this interactive\ , multimedia exhibition traces the real experiences of seven diverse Ameri cans who struggled for equal rights and expanded the definition of &ldquo\ ;we&rdquo\; in &ldquo\;We the People.&rdquo\;\n\nTo complement the exhibit ion and further bring their stories to life\, the Center will present an o riginal\, live theater performance produced collaboratively with Philadelp hia&rsquo\;s premier theater artists.&nbsp\;<em>Fighting for Democracy</em >&nbsp\;reveals how World War II was a pivotal time for women and minoriti es&mdash\;and connects powerfully with current debates about immigration\, citizenship and civil rights in America.\n\n<strong>National Constitution Center</strong>\nIndependence Mall\n525 Arch Street\nPhiladelphia\, PA 19 106\n\nFor more information about this presentation\, contact 215.409.6600 \, or visit<a href="" target="_blank">ww</a>\n\nFor more information about the exhibition and a listing of other venues\, to explore an online version\, or to downl oad the accompanying Educator&rsquo\;s Resource Guide\, visit&nbsp\;<a hre f=""></a>.\n\n<em>Fight ing for Democracy</em>&nbsp\;is presented by the National Constitution Cen ter in partnership with the National Center for the Preservation of Democr acy\, an educational program of the Japanese American National Museum\, to advance the understanding of\, and commitment to\, American democratic id eals. The Los Angeles exhibition and traveling version are funded in part by the U.S. Army Center of Military History. The traveling exhibition ten- city tour has been made possible through the generous support of The Boein g Company.\n\nThe National Constitution Center thanks the following for ge nerously underwriting the Philadelphia production of&nbsp\;<em>Fighting fo r Democracy</em>: CHG Charitable Trust\; Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation\; Do rrance H. Hamilton\; Heritage Philadelphia Program\, a program of The Pew Center for Arts &amp\; Heritage\; Macy&rsquo\;s\; National Endowment for t he Arts\; Team Clean\; Verizon\; Wyncote Foundation\; William M. King Char itable Foundation.\n\n<em>PHOTO CREDITS &ndash\; Bill: National Archives ( 018-T-44K-13)\; Carl: National Archives (NWDNS-127-MN-83714)\; Domingo: Co llection of Domingo Los Ba&ntilde\;os (NCPD.17.2005.104)\; Frances: From t he Frances Slanger Collection in The Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Cent er at Boston University (NCPD.30.2005.24)\; George: Gift of Mary S. Tomina ga\, Japanese American National Museum (94.49.28)\; Hazel: The Woman&rsquo \;s Collection\, Texas Woman&rsquo\;s University (MSS.358)\; H&eacute\;cto r: Dr. H&eacute\;ctor P. Garc&iacute\;a Papers\, Special Collections &amp\ ; Archives\, Texas A&amp\;M University&ndash\;Corpus Christi Bell Library (NCPD.1.2004.30).</em>\n DTSTAMP:20241013T162050Z SUMMARY:EXHIBITION: Fighting For Democracy: Who is the "We" in "We\, the Pe ople"? URL:/en/events/2011/10/14/exhibition-fighting-for-democracy-who-is-the-we/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR