BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111004T000000Z DTEND:20111004T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Since 2007\, the Tetsuo Najita Distinguished Lecture Series in Japanese Studies at the University of Chicago has brought leading thinkers \, artists\, and intellectuals from Japan to Chicago to discuss some of th e most important issues of the day. This year's lecture is no exception. W ith Japanese-Chinese relations the defining feature of Asian geopolitics\, scholar Nobukuni Koyasu's presentation on the legacy of Japanese intellec tuals living in China should be particularly insightful.\n\nDate\nTuesday\ , October 4\, 5:00 PM\n\n<a href=" 9/54589992/0/?c4e129f6=Y2hpY2dqIDA5LzI4LzIwMTEgMTY6MzA6MTQ%3d&amp\;x=b3c6d 064" target="_blank"></a>\n\nPlace\nUniversity of Chicago\nSwift Hall\, 3r d Floor Lecture Room\n1025 E. 58th St.\nChicago\, IL. 60637\n(<a href="htt p:// I4LzIwMTEgMTY6MzA6MTQ%3d&amp\;x=a9b61ad6" target="_blank">Map</a>)\n\nInfo \n\nFree! There will be a reception following the lecture.\nFor more infor mation\, please visit&nbsp\;<a href=" 2299/54589993/0/?c4e129f6=Y2hpY2dqIDA5LzI4LzIwMTEgMTY6MzA6MTQ%3d&amp\;x=02 1d98f0" target="_blank">the University of Chicago's event page</a>. DTSTAMP:20241003T223255Z SUMMARY:Japanese Intellectuals in China: A Lecture at the University of Chi cago URL:/en/events/2011/10/04/japanese-intellectuals-in-china-a-lecture-at-the/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR