BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111001T000000Z DTEND:20111001T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The&nbsp\;Film&nbsp\;Studies&nbsp\;Center&nbsp\;of the&nbsp\;Un iversity&nbsp\;of&nbsp\;Chicago&nbsp\;would like to extend a special invit ation to your members to attend a one-night-only screening of the award-wi nning film&nbsp\;<a href="\;et= 1107750305193&amp\;s=736&amp\;e=001o9kNt3GWrURp3x3zG-icx8d58EDUX0R5g5HQmzg GWVYxLdozDySS1ibI6FMaa5UqU56djvgI1-Yh-U3w6fB5SD_H9P3XMWyynRSOQp1igGk=" tar get="_blank">ANPO: ART X War</a>. Director Linda Hoaglund will be at the e vent to introduce the film and lead a discussion after the screening on Sa turday\, October 1 at&nbsp\;7pm.\n\nANPO was honored by&nbsp\;Japan's Agen cy for Cultural Affairs nomination for its prestigious annual Best Film Pr ize. Through a mesmerizing collage of paintings\, photographs and films\, ANPO: Art X War relates longstanding resistance to&nbsp\;U.S.&nbsp\;milita ry bases in&nbsp\;Japanfrom the perspective of its foremost contemporary a rtists. "Japan's relationship&nbsp\;withAmerica&nbsp\;has always been comp licated\," muses artist Aida Makoto\, "always&nbsp\;vacillating between lo ve and hate...." An array of artwork vividly resurrects&nbsp\;a forgotten period ofJapan's history\, while highlighting the insidious effects of "AN PO\," Japanese shorthand for the U.S.-Japan Mutual Security Treaty.\n\nIn 1960\, millions of Japanese citizens from all walks of life came together in a democratic uprising largely forgotten today. This nationwide movement left an indelible mark on the creative work of the artists who participat ed\, many of whom eventually rose to international prominence. Director Li nda Hoaglund reconstructs these artists' stories\, unearthing&nbsp\;artwor k that has been hidden from public view in museum vaults for over half a c entury. She was "compelled to excavate this vast cultural legacy to tell t he story of the...protests\, the events that provoked them and how the&nbs p\;U.S.&nbsp\;bases continue to impact&nbsp\;Japan." The film is a pricele ss record of how Japanese artists grappled with politics and the&nbsp\;U.S .&nbsp\;military presence in&nbsp\;Japan\, spinning their hope\, despair a nd outrage into art.\n\nDirector Linda Hoaglund will be introduced by Mich ael Bourdaghs\, Associate Professor\, East Asian Languages and Civilizatio ns. Co-sponsored by the&nbsp\;University&nbsp\;of&nbsp\;ChicagoCommittee o n Japanese Studies.\n<a href="\ ;et=1107750305193&amp\;s=736&amp\;e=001o9kNt3GWrUQYNoO9zu9yB_-Hedqlaf1qIxO Zg6IM1LhOhrD0LaO4hfuZLxKTti4ORprShFWiFKvkZQQoZDLMo8uUmvPiaPHEn00DE6aHV6IYc texd4laLU0ifsH6eXdDZibiQysk8G0nQQEIqDsWYHWaq2jz_oY9hdsQKnqvGHA=" target="_ blank">Film Studies Center</a>&nbsp\;at the&nbsp\;University&nbsp\;of&nbsp \;Chicago\n5811 S. Ellis Ave.\, Cobb Hall 307\n\nThe screening is FREE and open to the public. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We hope to see you on October 1! DTSTAMP:20240907T235620Z SUMMARY:ANPO: Art X Film URL:/en/events/2011/10/01/anpo-art-x-film/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR