BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110618T000000Z DTEND:20110620T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Taiko Weekend Intensive: Shime &amp\; Percussion Boot Camp\nTai ko Weekend Intensive (TWI) is a three-day workshop led by members of the S JT Artistic Staff designed to enhance a taiko player's abilities as a perf ormer and member of the taiko community. This TWI will focus on shime\, hy otan (shekere)\, and chappa technique.\n\n<strong>Learn:</strong> \n - ch allenging shime drills to improve your technique and speed\n - basic hyot an and chappa technique\n - care and maintenance of your shime and percuss ion \n - shime tying basics\n\n<strong>When: June 18 - 20\, 2011*</strong> \n Saturday morning to Monday afternoon\n\n<strong>Fee: $350 </strong> \n Includes instruction\, ground transportation between the Holiday Inn and SJT studio\, and most meals.\n\n<strong>Where:</strong> \n San Jose Taiko Studio\n\n<strong>Bring:</strong> \n Bachi\, a water bottle\, notebook\, a n open mind\, and an enthusiastic heart. Participants are encouraged to p rovide their own hyotan and chappa.\n\n<strong>Requirements:</strong> \n Applicants must have at least two years of taiko-playing experience. Pref erence will be given to applicants who are currently performing members o f existing taiko groups.\n\n<strong>Application Deadline:</strong> \n Fill out the <strong><a href=" ion.html">online application</a> </strong> by May 20th\, 2011\n\n<em>* Yo u must be present at all activities in order to participate in the weeken d. Please do not apply if you think you will miss any portion of this wee kend\, including arriving late or leaving early for any activity. </em>\n\ n  \n<strong>Here's what past participants have said about TWI (Taiko W eekend Intensive):</strong>\n"I believe you have found an effective formula for sharing not only the SJT philosophy and drumming style with others in t he taiko family\, but sharing the true spirit of the drums by your\n example and your love for the art form". - Bill W.\n\n"Serious taiko in joyful compa ny." - Tiffany R.\n\n"The wo rkshop was the best three days of Taiko I have ever experienced." - Scott M.\n\nPlease contact <a href="mailto:taiko@tai"></a> with any further questions.\n\nhttp://tai DTSTAMP:20241214T063231Z SUMMARY:Taiko Weekend Intensive: Shime and Percussion Boot Camp URL:/en/events/2011/06/18/taiko-weekend-intensive-shime-and-percussion-boot / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR