BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110530T000000Z DTEND:20110530T000000Z DESCRIPTION:This is a "Canadian Kids for Japanese Kids" project to support the young victims of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Tohoku\, Japan \, on March 11. It was initiated by Vancouver\, BC artist and filmmaker Li nda Ohama.\n\nEach class (K-12) or individual youth is being asked to draw or embroider an image on to a 10-inch square of cloth (the finished piece will be a 9-inch square with a 1/2-inch seam). The image should be someth ing about Japan e.g.\, how you feel or what you like about Japan. The fabr ic may be of any colour\, but preferably white tones and cotton. All drawi ngs and writing must be done using a permanent ink or fabric pen and the i mage must be embroidered\, a parent or teacher may help if needed.\n\nMore information is available at\n\nCompleted squares and p hotos may be sent to: Kim McLean\, CoreLogic MarketLinx\, 7018 Lougheed Hw y.\, Suite 200\, Burnaby\, BC\, V5A 1W2\n\nThe deadline for submissions is May 30th\, 2011. DTSTAMP:20240909T160616Z SUMMARY:Japan-Canada Youth Quilt Project URL:/en/events/2011/05/30/japan-canada-youth-quilt-project/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR