BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100811T000000Z DTEND:20100812T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="font-family: Arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 13px\; color: black\;">The Japanese American Service Committee\, the Japan Ameri ca Society of Chicago\, and the Japan Information Center presents:\n<span style="font-family: Arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 45px\; color: red\;"><s trong>Amezaiku \n (Japanese Candy) Demonstration</strong> \n<span style="f ont-family: Arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 24px\; color: black\;"><strong> FREE ADMISSION\n ***PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED***</strong> \n<span />\n<spa n style="font-family: Arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 17px\; color: black\; "> <strong>Wednesday\, August 11\, 2010</strong> \n 6:00-6:30pm Registrati on \n 6:30-7:00pm Demonstration \n 7:00-7:30pm Q&amp\;A \n <strong>Japan Information Center</strong> \n 737 N. Michigan Av enue\, Suite 1000 \n Chicago\, IL 60611 \n Entrance on Chi cago Avenue \n Validated Parking available for $7 (entrance on Chi cago Ave.)\n\n------------------------------\n\n-------------------------- ---\n<span style="font-family: Arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 17px\; color : black\;"> <strong>Thursday\, August 12\, 2010</strong> \n 10:00-10:30am Registration \n 10:30-11:00am Demonstration \n 11:00-11: 30am Q&amp\;A \n <strong>Japanese American Service Committee</stro ng> \n 4427 N. Clark Street \n Chicago\, IL 60640 \n Stree t parking available \n\n-------------------------------------------------- ---------\n\n<span style="font-family: Arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 20px \; color: red\;"><strong>CHILDREN OF ALL AGES WELCOME! \n Free Admission\, Pre-registration required!</strong> \n<span style="font-family: Arial\,sa ns-serif\; font-size: 15px\; color: purple\;"><strong>Reservations: Email <a href="" target="_blank"></ a> or call (312)263-3049. \n Reservations based on a first-come first-serv e basis. </strong> \n\n--------------------------------------------------- --------\n\n<span style="font-family: Arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 15px\ ; color: black\;"><strong>Amezaiku is Japanese candy craft artistry in whi ch sugar syrup is boiled at an intense temperature and stretched and pulle d by hand to create various shapes such as animals and insects. Amezaiku a rtisans use only a small amount of candy on the end of a reed stem\, and s hape it by blowing in air\, similar to glass blowing.</strong> \n<span sty le="font-family: Arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 15px\; color: black\;"><st rong>Masaji Terasawa will dazzle us with his wonderful Japanese candy crea tions. Using just scissors and tweezers\, Mr. Terasawa molds candy into am azing life-like creatures. Experience a traditional Japanese street show f it for all ages. You won't want to miss this amazing one-man show!</strong > \n<span style="font-family: Arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 15px\; color: black\;"><strong>Masaji Terasawa is a Japanese traditional performer\, wh o has performed over the past 14 years at Walt Disney World. In addition\, Mr. Terasawa has traveled around the world\, including over 3\,000 school performances in the U.S.</strong> \n\n----------------------------------- ------------------------\n\n<span style="font-family: Arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 15px\; color: purple\;"><strong>Special thanks to our co-sponso r: JASC Tampopo-kai \n <span /> </strong> \n<span style="font-family: Aria l\,sans-serif\; font-size: 15px\; color: purple\;"><strong>This event is m ade possible by funding from the: \n JCCC-Japanese Chamber of Commerce &am p\; Industry of Chicago\n <span /> </strong> \n<span style="font-family: A rial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 15px\; color: purple\;"><strong>Special than ks to our 80th Anniversary Sponsors:\n <span /> </strong> <span style="fo nt-family: Arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 20px\; color: black\;"><strong>\ n</strong> \n DTSTAMP:20241006T214623Z SUMMARY:Amezaiku (Japanese Candy) Demonstration URL:/en/events/2010/08/11/amezaiku-japanese-candy-demonstration/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR