BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100504T000000Z DTEND:20100630T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Winning the Peace </strong>\n<strong>An exhibition hon oring the Japanese American linguists who helped win \nWorld War II and r ebuild Japan</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>"Winning the Peace" is p resented by the Japanese American Service Committee\; Chicago Nisei Post N o. 1183\, American Legion\; Japanese American Citizens League\, Chicago Ch apter\; Chicago Japanese American Historical Society\; Japanese Mutual Aid Society of Chicago\, Tom T. Arai Bequest\; and National Japanese American Historical Society\, Inc. Major funding was provided through a grant from the National Park Service\, United States Department of the Interior.</st rong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Featuring "Prejudice and Patriotism\,"  \na traveling exhibition from the National Japanese American Historical So ciety\, Inc.\, San Francisco</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Tuesdays through Fridays\, \nMay 4 through June 30\, 2010</strong> \n<strong><em >Please call for exhibit hours.</em>\nJapanese American Service Committee\ n4427 N. Clark Street\nChicago\, IL 60640</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<st rong>Opening Reception</strong> \nPlease join us at the <strong>JASC (44 27 N. Clark Street) on \nFriday\, May 7\, 2010\, 7pm\,</strong> to celeb rate the grand opening of "Winning the Peace." Light refreshments will be served. Off-street parking will be available in the Stockton School playgr ound. For further information\, please call 773.275.0097\, ext. 222\, or e -mail<a target="_blank"></a>.\n\n"Winning the Peace " tells the little-known story of the Japanese-language specialists of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and their contributions in the Asiati c-Pacific Theater of Operations during World War II and in the Occupation of Japan. Mainly Japanese Americans\, MIS soldiers were front-line interro gators and translators in wartime\, and linked the Occupation forces and t he Japanese people in the postwar period.\n\n"Winning the Peace" features a traveling exhibit that is on loan from the National Japanese American Hi storical Society of San Francisco\, as well as the personal stories of Chi cago-area MIS veterans\, told through text\, images\, artifacts\, and vide o clips. "Winning the Peace" will be open to the public -without charge- f rom\n\nMay 4 through June 30 at the \n<strong>Japanese American Service C ommittee\, 4427 N. Clark Street\, Chicago.</strong>\nFor further informati on and for viewing dates and times\, \nplease call 773.275.0097\, ext. 22 2\; \ne-mail <a target="_blank"></a>\; \nor visi t <a href="" target="_blank">www.jasc-chic</a>. DTSTAMP:20250113T212614Z SUMMARY:Winning the Peace URL:/en/events/2010/05/04/winning-the-peace/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR