BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100424T000000Z DTEND:20100424T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>41st Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage Scheduled For Saturday\ , April 24\, 2010<a href=" t-annual-manzanar-pilgrimage-scheduled-for-april-24-2010"></a></strong>\n< strong>PILGRIMAGE: Bus Transportation Available From Los Angeles</strong>\ n\nLOS ANGELES — <em>Civil Rights: Unfinished Business</em> is the theme for the <strong>41st Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage</strong>\, sponsored by t he Los Angeles-based <a href="" target="_ blank">Manzanar Committee</a>\, scheduled for 12:00 PM PDT on Saturday\, A pril 24\, 2010\, at the <a href="">Manzanar Nationa l Historic Site</a>\, <a href=" onal+Historic+Site&amp\;hl=en&amp\;cd=2&amp\;ei=nRWrS7z4IpeQsAPxv7CHBQ&amp \;sig2=dvy-lzO0cz8CWDARLtQuOA&amp\;ie=UTF8&amp\;view=map&amp\;cid=74480990 69060486244&amp\;iwloc=A&amp\;ved=0CBoQpQY&amp\;sa=X" target="_blank">loca ted on US Highway 395 in California’s Owens Valley</a>\, between the tow ns of Lone Pine and Independence\, approximately 230 miles north of Los An geles.\n\nEach year\, over 1\,000 people from diverse backgrounds\, inclu ding students\, teachers\, community members\, clergy and former internees \, attend the Pilgrimage\, which commemorates the unjust imprisonment of o ver 110\,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry in ten American concentration camps located in the most desolate\, isolated regions of the United States . Manzanar was the first of these camps to be established.\n\nThe afternoo n program\, held at the Manzanar cemetery site\, will begin with a perform ance by <strong><a href="" target=" _blank">UCLA Kyodo Taiko</a></strong>\, the first collegiate taiko group i n North America.\n\nThe featured speaker at this year’s Pilgrimage is fo rmer Heart Mountain internee and draft resister <strong>Takashi “Tak” Hoshizaki</strong>\, who is active with the <a href="http://www.heartmount" target="_blank">Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation</a>\, a non-pro fit organization that is working to establish an Interpretive Learning Cen ter at the site of the Heart Mountain concentration camp near Powell\, Wyo ming.\n\nThe afternoon program will conclude with the traditional interfai th service and Ondo dancing.\n\nIn addition to the daytime program\, the P ilgrimage continues that evening with the popular <strong>Manzanar At Dus k</strong> (MAD) program\, co-sponsored by the <a href="http://www.lpusd.k" target="_blank">Lone Pine Unified School District</a> and <a hre f="" target="_blank">Lone Pine High S chool</a>\, scheduled from 5:00 PM to 7:45 PM at the Lone Pine High School gymnasium\, located at 538 South Main Street (US Highway 395)\, in Lone P ine\, nine miles south of the Manzanar National Historic Site\, across the street from McDonald’s.\n\nMAD participants will have the opportunity t o interact with former internees in attendance to hear their personal stor ies and discuss the relevance of the concentration camp experience to pres ent-day events and issues.\n\nA panel discussion\, small group discussions and an open mic session will provide MAD participants the opportunity to interact with former internees in attendance to hear their personal storie s. Participants will also be able to share their own experiences and discu ss the relevance of the concentration camp experience to present-day event s and issues.\n\nThe Manzanar Committee has also announced that bus transp ortation to the Pilgrimage will be available from Los Angeles.\n\nTwo air conditioned buses will depart from <strong>Maryknoll Japanese Catholic Cen ter</strong>\, <a href="\;source=s_q&am p\;hl=en&amp\;geocode=&amp\;q=222+South+Hewitt+Street\,+Los+Angeles\,+9001 2&amp\;sll=34.046472\,-118.236108&amp\;sspn=0.010881\,0.020149&amp\;ie=UTF 8&amp\;hq=&amp\;hnear=222+S+Hewitt+St\,+Los+Angeles\,+California+90012&amp \;ll=34.047432\,-118.235936&amp\;spn=0.01081\,0.020149&amp\;z=16" target=" _blank">222 South Hewitt Street\, Los Angeles\, 90012</a>\, at 7:00 AM on April 24. They will arrive at the Manzanar National Historic Site at appro ximately 11:30 AM. Free\, all-day parking is available at Maryknoll.\n\nBo th buses will take participants to the Interpretive Center at the Manzanar National Historic Site after the afternoon program. The early return bus will leave Manzanar at 4:30 PM\, returning to Los Angeles at approximately 8:30 PM.\n\nThose wishing to attend the Manzanar At Dusk program should r eserve a spot on the late return bus\, which will depart the Interpretive Center at 4:30 PM as well\, but will then take participants to Lone Pine H igh School for the MAD program.\n\nThe late return bus will depart for Los Angeles immediately following the MAD event\, arriving in Los Angeles aro und midnight.\n\nBus reservations are now being accepted from members of t he general public on a first-come\, first-served basis. For further inform ation or to make a reservation\, call (323) 662-5102 or send e-mail to 41s tpilgrimage -at- The non-refundable fare is $40.00 per seat.\n\nPilgrimage participants are advised bring their own lunch\, d rinks and snacks as there are no facilities to purchase food at the Manzan ar National Historic Site (restaurants and fast food outlets are located i n Lone Pine and Independence). Water will be provided at the site.\n\nBoth the daytime program and the Manzanar At Dusk event are free and open to t he public.\n\nThe Manzanar Committee is dedicated to educating and raising public awareness about the incarceration and violation of civil rights of persons of Japanese ancestry during World War II and to the continuing st ruggle of all peoples when Constitutional rights are in danger. A non-prof it organization that has sponsored the annual Manzanar Pilgrimage since 19 69\, along with other educational programs\, the Manzanar Committee has al so played a key role in the establishment and continued development of the Manzanar National Historic Site. For more information\, call (323) 662-51 02\, send e-mail to 41stpilgrimage -at- or check the ir blog at <a href="" target="_blank">htt p://</a>.\n\n-30- DTSTAMP:20250125T030557Z SUMMARY:41st Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage URL:/en/events/2010/04/24/41st-annual-manzanar-pilgrimage/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR