BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100312T000000Z DTEND:20100312T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Kisarazu Community Nursery School is a childcare facility l ocated in a cultivated woodland in an urban area of Chiba Prefecture. The film looks at how the schoolchildren grow up in a dialogue with nature ove r a period of one and a half years. In an age when many people believe tha t children should be raised in a safe\, secureand clean environment\, Eijy u Miyazaki\, the director of the nursery school\, has declared that &ldquo \;children will not grow up healthy unless they get injured\, covered in m ud and play rough and physical games.&rdquo\; He carries out his own uniqu e method of childcare\, and the preschoolers get covered in mud\, eat wild nuts and interact with animals. Fights break out frequently\, and the chi ldren display unrestrained emotions. Through all this\, they learn to help one another and to think about others\, and acquire communication skills and grow up to be strong&hellip\;\n\n<a href=" toyama.html"></a>\n\nFor more infor mation\, including film synopses and pictures\,&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.">go here</a>\ nAlso\, it's FREE! DTSTAMP:20240604T114454Z SUMMARY:School of Nature: The Children of the Satoyama URL:/en/events/2010/03/12/school-of-nature-the-children-of-the-satoyama/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR