BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091217T000000Z DTEND:20091220T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><em>With special guest Terry Steele</em></strong>\n\nCe lebrate the "Spirit of the Season" with Hiroshima and their unique renditi on of classic holiday fare done Hiroshima style. How can you beat&nbsp\;<e m>Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer</em>&nbsp\;on koto?\n\nFor the first ever San Francisco "Spirit of the Season" shows\, Hiroshima will be doing 2 sho ws a night for 4 nights starting December 17th at the intimate Rrazz Room in the beautiful Hotel Nikko. Terry will sing "Spirit of the Season\," "Th e Door is Open\," "One Fine Day\," and a truly emotional version of "Silen t Night\," and the band will be doing holiday songs\, both festive and sou lful.\n\nArtists will be available to autograph CDs after the concert. Che ck out their website at&nbsp\;<a href="" target= "_blank"></a>\n<a href="" targ et="_blank"></a>\n<strong>Tickets:</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Rr azz Room</strong>\n 415.394.1175\n <a href="" target="_blank"></a>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Ticke ts online:</strong> <a title=" uery=rrazz+hiroshima&amp\;x=10&amp\;y=2" href=" l/Search.action?query=rrazz+hiroshima&amp\;x=10&amp\;y=2" target="_blank"> TICKETWEB</a> DTSTAMP:20240916T133310Z SUMMARY:Hiroshima Spirit of the Season Holiday Show URL:/en/events/2009/12/17/hiroshima-spirit-of-the-season-holiday-show/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR