Meet the Author: An Evening with Julie Otsuka, When the Emperor Was Divine

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Feb 201519

Japan Society
333 East 47th Street
New York, New York
United States

PEN/Faulkner and Asian American Literary Award-winning author Julie Otsuka speaks about her writing on events and themes surrounding WWII. Her spellbinding debut novel, When the Emperor Was Divine, is an in-depth portrayal of a Japanese American family during their WWII internment, written from the perspectives of each of the four family members. She is joined by a guest moderator and an actor who will perform an on-stage reading. When the Emperor Was Divine has been selected by the National Endowment for the Arts for inclusion in their "The Big Read" program.
Tickets:  $12/$8 Japan Society members, students & seniors
Stories from the War
Marking the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII, Japan Society presents the Society-wide series Stories from the War. Encompassing theater performances, film screenings, lectures, panels and educational opportunities for young people, programming from January to August explores history and considers challenging issues that the U.S. and Japan faced surrounding WWII through a contemporary lens.



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APA_Institute . Last modified Feb 04, 2015 2:44 p.m.

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