Water Works at GR2 - A benefit for UNICEF and child victims of the earthquake in Japan

  • en

Mar 201119 Apr 201113

2062 Sawtelle Blvd
Los Angeles, California, 90025
United States

Opening Reception: Saturday, March 19, 6:30 - 10:00 p.m.

The U.S. Fund for UNICEF (USF) is raising funds to help children in Japan impacted by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. This is an unusual decision, as Japan is a donor to UNICEF, not a recipient of its assistance. However, due to the unprecedented nature of the epic disaster and its impact on children, resources are going to be critical in helping provide for the very unique needs of children. These may include health, development, and protection and other needs that may have been compromised or disrupted in the wake of the catastrophe.

Giant Robot is proud to join the effort, and have asked many of our talented friends to create water-themed art to raise funds to support the efforts of UNICEF. 

In addition to raising money by selling artwork, Giant Robot will be donating the following to UNICEF:

1. Proceeds from the sale of water bottles featuring labels created by artists and signed by celebrities.

2. Fifty percent of proceeds from Giant Robot’s small restaurant, gr/eats, on Saturday, March 19.

3. A percentage of all sales at Giant Robot, GR2, and GRSF during the weekend of March 18-20.

4. Raffles for donated merchandise including designer- and artist-signed items, GR gear, horseback rides, and other items. 

5. Cash donations accepted for UNICEF.

Contributors include the following:

Andrice Arp • Gary Baseman • Chris Bettig • Bigfoot • Jude Buffum • Chris Buzelli • Louise Chen David Choe • Luke Chueh • Jesse Fillingham • Renee French • Ayako Fujitani • Matt Furie • Rodney Greenblat • Katherine Guillen • Joe Hahn • Clement Hanami • David Horvath • Mari Inukai • James Jean • kozyndan • Jesse LeDoux • Lisa Ling • Barry McGee • Ryan McGinness • Jeff McMillan • Junko Mizuno • Megan Mullally • Gary Musgrave • Mark Nagata • Saelee Oh • Bryan Lee O'Malley • Nathan Ota • Mu Pan • Albert Reyes • Jay Ryan • Rob Sato • Ryan Jacob Smith • Deth P. Sun • Jillian Tamaki • Katsuya Terada • Edwin Ushiro • Esther Pearl Watson • Daniel Wu • Yoskay Yamamoto • Kohei Yamashita

This event is made possible by the generous help of Intertrend Communications, the most innovative, digitally savvy Asian marketing agency in the country. In addition, Intertrend has pledged to match the first $10,000 raised by proceeds and donations through Giant Robot. 

Giant Robot was born as a Los Angeles-based magazine about Asian, Asian-American, and new hybrid culture in 1994, but has evolved into a full-service pop culture provider with shops and galleries in Los Angeles and San Francisco, as well as an online equivalent.

The opening reception featuring many of the artists will take place from 6:30 - 10:00 on Saturday, March 19. For more information about the fund raiser, GR2, or Giant Robot magazine, please contact:

Eric Nakamura Giant Robot Owner/Publisher eric@giantrobot.com (310) 479-7311


(310) 445-9276



vkm . Last modified Mar 19, 2011 11:39 a.m.

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