BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091108T000000Z DTEND:20091108T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From The National Association of Asian American Professionals:\ n\nAs the sports season starts revving up\, so is NAAAP Chicago with our f irst ever basketball tournament! Rally up your friends and get ready for s ome friendly competition on the court! Be sure to bring some friends to ch eer you on! \n  \n The event will be held on Sunday 11/8 at DePaul from 1 -5 pm. Teams are co-ed and if you don't have a team\, let us know and we w ill put you on one! Sandwiches and chips will be provided by Zig Zag Cater ing and samples from Argo Tea so you won't go hungry! And of course\, priz es will be awarded for the top teams!\n  \n This will be a 3 vs. 3 bracke t style tournament with a guarantee of 3 games. Basketballs will be provid ed\, but feel free to bring your own as well! We encourage teams to dress in the same color to differentiate between teams on the court.\n\n<strong> When: Sunday 11/8 \n Time: 1-5 pm</strong>\n<strong>Location: DePaul Ra y Meyer Fitness &amp\; Recreation Center\n Address: 2235 N. Sheffield Ave .</strong>\n<strong>Cost: $25 for Members\, $35 for Non-Members</strong>\ n\n emID=685&amp\;Mid=2552&amp\;PortalID=20&amp\;TabID=1280&amp\;d=20091108&am p\;culture=en-US DTSTAMP:20250119T094732Z SUMMARY:NAAAP Basketball Tournament URL:/en/events/2009/11/08/naaap-basketball-tournament/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR