BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090807T000000Z DTEND:20090809T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The 54th Annual Ginza Holiday\, a large Japanese cultural festi val\, will be presented by the Midwest Buddhist Temple on Aug 7\, 8\, and 9 at 435 W. Menomonee Street in Chicago’s historic Old Town. For more in formation go to the website <a href="">ginzachicag</a>\n\nFeaturing The Waza Craftmen of Japan\, an outdoor stage progr am with taiko\, dance\, pottery\, Akido\, Judo\, Karate\, Kendo\, Hawaiian Ukele and for the first time\, Yoko Noge and the Jazz Me Blues Band. Conc essions include food and treats. There are indoor exhibits of Bonsai\, Ike bana\, Japanese Dolls\, Quilts\, Haiku\, Sumie\, Calligraphy and Ceramics.  \n\nFri.\, Aug. 7th 5:30pm to 9:00pm\n\nSat.\, Aug 8th 11:30am to 9:00p m\n\nSun.\, Aug 9th 11:30am to 6:00 pm\n\nBenefit Gate Donation: $4.00 for adults\, $3.00 for seniors and students. Children under 12 are free if ac companied by an adult. DTSTAMP:20250113T074800Z SUMMARY:The 54th Annual Midwest Buddhist Temple's Ginza Holiday URL:/en/events/2009/08/07/the-54th-annual-midwest-buddhist-temples-ginza-ho / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR