BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080120T000000Z DTEND:20080427T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Passing the Fan: Traditional Japanese Dance in Oregon</ strong>\nJanuary 20 - April 27\, 2008\n\nNew exhibit opens Sunday\, Januar y 20\, 2008\nReception 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.\n\n<em>Nihon buyo</em> (tradition al Japanese dance) is a celebrated art form with roots tracing back to the 16th century in Japan. Unlike Kabuki\, <em>Nihon buyo</em> is most often practiced by women\, who may play male roles on the stage\, performing spe cial dances\, with beautiful sets and elaborate costumes helping to commun icate traditional stories and themes. \n \n<em>Nihon buyo</em> has its own schools of dance\, in which students are accepted for study and formally trained. The careers of Japanese dancers can be life long--experience only serves to increase the skills and performance of the best dancers. Oregon is fortunate to have resident master teachers (<em>Sensei</em>) of this a rt form\, originally trained in the Tachibana and Fujima Schools in Japan. These women\, and a few select students who have become teachers in their own right\, have taught generations of Oregon students of many ethnicitie s. \n \n<em>Passing the Fan</em> will honor and celebrate the careers and teaching traditions of <em>Sensei</em> Sahomi Tachibana\, Kanriye Fujima\, Founder of Fujinami Kai\, and Barbara Uyesugi\, President of Portland Cha pter\, their careers over the decades\, the rich heritage they share with their diverse students\, and some of their students who are now accomplish ed teachers. The exhibit will explore <em>nihon buyo</em> as an art form\, the student-teacher relationship\, and the importance of dance as a way f or Nikkei students to connect with their roots and learn more about their cultural identity. Dance costumes\, props\, photographs\, and moving image s will help bring this unique cultural art form to the understanding of vi sitors of all ages.\n \nOregon Nikkei Legacy Center (ONLC) is a Japanese A merican history center that preserves and shares the history and culture o f Japanese Americans in Oregon. A project of the Oregon Nikkei Endowment\ , ONLC creates and hosts exhibits\, provides speakers for schools and comm unity organizations\, offers public programs\, records videotaped oral his tories\, and preserves historic documents and artifacts. \n\nOregon Nikkei Legacy Center\n121 NW Second Ave\nPortland\, OR\, 97209\n<a href="http://"></a> DTSTAMP:20241003T205345Z SUMMARY:Exhibit Opening -- Passing the Fan: Traditional Japanese Dance in O regon URL:/en/events/2008/01/20/exhibit-opening-passing-the-fan/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR